
Aka Ainhoa.

Ask @AAinhoaSmile25

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la cosa mas loca que has echo en tu vida ? :')

alexmo10love’s Profile PhotoAlExAnDrA
Creo que ir a Castellón de un día para el otro, viviendo en Barcelona, a ver una fiesta que organizaron los de Otra Movida. Mereció la pena, asdfghjkl
Liked by: AlExAnDrA

Question of the day! Imagine that you have to spend an amazing week with only two people, who would they be? xo

InMyKatic’s Profile Photolassgina
I can't choose only two people, sorry. hahaha

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Question of the day, everyone! If you could choose to meet anyone, who would it be and why? mwah >>

InMyKatic’s Profile Photolassgina
Whoa.. that's a really difficult question... I think i'd choose Stana Katic, because she's one of my idols and I love her, she's my role model.

¿De que canción te has cansado recientemente debido a haberla escuchado demasiadas veces?

No me canso de las canciones que escucho.

¿Cuál es tu opinión sobre relaciones del mismo sexo?

Que si tu quieres a una persona, no importa del sexo que sea.


Language: English