
Alexandria Pozojevic

Ask @AlexandriaPozo

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Do you have any gay friends? What are their names?

I do have a lot!
Im not sure they want me to disclose their names!

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oooooouhhh what kind of regrets :)

me wearing a long dress that got destroyed on the dance floor :p

Can you possibly list at least some if not all of the girls you have a crush on in grade 12? :)

oh heavens I honestly couldn't. I have like 2 more weeks with these people!

all the hard jobs such as mining, woodchopping, construction etc are done by men...another example.. if a male teacher has a relation with a student, hes going to jail for years, but if its a female with a student, shes only getting fired. and men invented everything so fuck off

I'm honestly not wasting time explaining such simple things to such a dense pathetic human being. Live your ignorance.

Men get paid more, but who is paying for child support 90% of the time? whos expected to buy his wife a 30k wedding ring? if there a natural disaster...women are the ones exiting the danger zone first..women have more rights than men..

and why do men pay 90% of the child support because who actually takes care of the child?! Have you ever tried to have a job and child!? CAN YOU EVEN IMAGINE. oh no, the father has to work and give money to a child that he created :( does he put that child into bed every night. No. And no one is expected to give a ring that is a stereotype created by society. Why are women aloud first out? Because there is a stigma that men are stronger than women. Get off my ask.fm you ignorant pig

wait ur legit her babysitter? I thought u two were going as friends cause she really wanted to go to prom (that's not hers) so you were nice enough to have her as ur "date"

ahaha of course I'm not her actual babysitter. I wish I got paid :p

What are some words that you hate the sound of?

if this is eric remple… neeeveerr relieving them to you again

Why do you hate guys so much? They do everything for you, they invented everything you use today, they bring home the money... wow. You disgust me.

I am super stoked that I disgust a horrific person like you. I don't hate the male gender, i hate specific males like yourself.

i dont get this... you hate on guys every second you get and you think its acceptable, but the second a person makes a comment about gays you become angry? fucking hypocrite

I don't hate males at all. They deserve everything that a woman deserves. What I hate is the massive inequality between women and men. Males get paid more, there is a stigma that they are smarter, women are "usually" over sexualized more, and throughout history who caused the most trouble? The only thing I hate about men is how they are seen as more important. I dare you to bare a child
Liked by: skye

I think you are very pretty and sweet :) I really wish you are straight sometimes but I'm glad you're "Loud and Proud" :) lol

aweh thank you so much <3 things like this honestly fund the smile on my face

Your a beautiful amazing person. I would date you forever if you went a lesbian.

went? or weren't? Very sweet regardless :)


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