
Angelica ❤

Ask @Angelicay0

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All the fucking time what r u lesbio for her like damn get over it get over Austin get over yourself

Wtf are you talking bout lmao people like you upset the fuck outta me,
Liked by: Jackie

How much ur tat cost ? And what he just was like your only 15 but ok

He didnt ask for my age & $30 for names up to 4inches

Im getting mine redone tomorrow how long do you reckons I wait before going swimming or something like that

You can go swimming just not for a long period of time. But wait like 2-3 weeks.
Liked by: Jackie

Y u do it 3 times

Cause the first time i had to take it out cause my dad and the second the ball like broke and the piercing fell out when i went on a water ridd.


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