
Anindita Larasati

Ask @AninditaLarasati

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Are you allergic to anything?

well, I'm 100% sure that I'm allergic to something, yet to afraid of having skin prick test.

Sedang apa kamu?

on my progress of ngerjain referat, but end up bukain social media yang lama banget ga di buka, which are askfm, interpals, linkedin, email lama. what a productive night:)

Kenapa efek samping dari telat makan adalah LAPAR??

karena kalo telat makan, asam lambung naik, jadinya ngasih sinyal ke otak kalo lambung butuh diisi. Dari otak ngasih feedback semacam perut krucuk-krucuk, which is called hunger pang, itu dah yang biasa kita sebut rasa lapar.
hmm.. what a nerd ya gue:(

Tinman got a heart, Scarecrow got a brain, Lion got courage...what do you get?

I get a good heart, a smart brain, and an overwhelmed courage. But it turned out only dreams that I got. ?.
Liked by: Zee O'z

What's your best dance move ?? ??

zeeshan964’s Profile PhotoZee O'z
You know, kind of making my body in a horizontal line, in a comfort soft rectangle thing called bed, then just rolling my body back and forth. Nice move, eh??

Do you like forgetting your own passwords ??

Nahhh.. Always use the same password?? one for all~~ and I don't do stupid thing like making a password for your password lists. Oops. No offense, Zee??
Liked by: Zee O'z

Name three things you have never done, but would like to do?

1. Riding a bike.
2. Procrastinating to procrastinate. *it will blow your mind though. Boom.*
3. Conquering the world. *that's escalated quickly.**evil smirk*

Do you push the elevator button more than once? Do you really believe it makes the elevator faster?

That is kind of a suggestive reason I suppose. That is in the same condition as your gates in front of your house. The robber would still climb your gates up and rob your house even you have already locked them up. Or, they would just break the padlock.

How jealous are you, on a scale of 0 (not) to 10 (extremely)?

this is so ridiculous. haha. I'll go with 10.

Udah jomblo, ngomongin orng mulu. Dosssaaa!!!!! Tobat nak wkwkwk -anggep sajaa anon-

anggitaprtw1006’s Profile PhotoAnggita Pertiwi
oh fak.. ngaca sob ngaca.. perlu gue beliin kaca di pondok gede apa yak yg goceng an :') pan elu yg mancing gue sob:') babi terbang lu dasar


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