
Caitlin MacBeth

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favourite peopke fomr meols cop your year+year9?

My year; emily alex Sammy ashleigh keri elle poppy ellie Errin Katie emma, boys;owen lewis mike Jordan rob
Year above; tamzin Louise darcey kirsty bethany (don't really speak to any of them anymore) boys;i think I only know ben and peggers aha but I speak to themm

why do you even hang around wit emma shes vileu dnt deserthe her

with** you** don't** deserve** YOU ABSALUTE VILE CUNT, emmas amazing and what do you mean I don't deserve her shes not a bar of chocolate, and atm she looks like a tomato so fuck off ;) :) LOVE YOU XXX
Liked by: LeahBarryxo

what you doin this summer?

2 WEEKS WITHOUT EMMA OMFG shes on holiday this week and when she comes back I go on holiday and then we only have 2 weeks left SOB so idk
Liked by: samwright999

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