

Ask @Carolinefazio

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What kind of things are you interested in?

Well. I sing and act. I love to read, help people/animals. And I really want to do mission work in either India or Nicaragua . I think it would be an amazing experience to help out those who don't live like we in the states do.

Okay thankyou for help:) can you explain in own words I'm not so good with quote because I feel they might not be real? Idk?:)

It's no problem helping.

I understand all bullying is haribo blue and hard, enough to make you cry and feel temporarily depressed but it just angers and upsets me so much to see people that don't truly understand it and yet still say they are. I may be coming across horrid to her but I ant stand it, thankyou and same aha:)x

You don't. I swear I understand where you are coming from really xx

I'm truly sorry, I'm a human too and appreciate what you've been through, and how hard it is, but you don't need to be diagnosed your right, sometimes you know, but I know she's not, she may get depressed from bullying but her bullying isn't bad, At all. It's all a fake, her and her friend do it xx

Thank you. And I understand where you are coming from. And maybe her bulling isn't bad but it's still bullying. If she isn't depressed now she may be if the bulling escalates. Thank you for your respect on this whole situation. Most people wouldn't be as polite and understanding as you have been. I hope that all this silly askfm "confessions " stop. Lol. Xx

Bullying doesn't always make you depressed. Only in 1/5 cases . And Kelsey's not. From experience I know. Bullying a not the only thing that makes you depressed, and after what you've been through (depression) imagine how angry and upset you would feel if someone was taking the mic out of such illne

You should know that I wasn't depressed because if bulling. My brother was killed when I was thirteen and I saw him die in front of me in a freak accident. And she may not be diagnosed as depressed. But if she believes she is then let her. I don't know what she's been through but she may be. I don't want a fight I'm just saying but I appreciate you looking out for those who really are depressed. Xoxo

What motivates you?

Many things. But mainly that if my brother was still alive and I wasn't doing my best he would bitch me out. Never do anything half ass. It won't get you anywhere

You're in my mind not even hot because that sounds slutty you are beautiful because that's classy (: Georgous.

Oh my Gosh. Thank you :)

Why would you tell me to mind my business if you post something on twitter that people are obviously going to be curious about..?

I can post anything I want. It doesn't mean you have to know the details.


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