
Charmyn chan

Ask @Charmynchan

do you need new suggestions for people you could shoot

wow I haven't been using this for ages, and yes! Some fresh faces would be nice <3

have you done a shoot for grace and justine yet? it'll be cute if you took photos of them together

No :'( Unfortunately Justine, Grace and I don't have the time to schedule one right now, and to make things more bleak, Justine's leaving to Wales this Saturday so I don't think it'll be possible till Christmas when she comes back.

How do you manage to keep up with fashion? You always look so trendy and fashionable

I don't haha I'm actually pretty behind, I just wear whatever I like, however I'm still exploring my style and developing it etc, but thanks so much! <3

You're back! Love your style girl <3

Haha yeah, decided to keep this professional and it won't be shared on my personal fb, so it'll mainly be for people who have questions about my blog.

Language: English