
Chris McGee

Ahhh, fuck off, you are at fault for the election. Because as usual, if you can't have exactly what you want, you're taking your toys and going home, crying the whole time. If you think any of those peeps are as bad as Trump, you're an idiot, and your laziness enabled his win.

Hillary is a huge bigot who hates the poor, sorry. My twitter communist friends helped me feel less bad about not voting because the one candidate who was worth it for marginalized people to vote for didn't make it out of the primaries. So no, my refusal to support Hillary does not make me as bad as a Trump sup[porter because hillary doesn't give a shit if poor people live or die, she definitely doesn't give as much of a shit about LGBTQA people as she claims, and stuff, she was a terrible candidate running on the platform of "if you don't vote for me, you're voting against feminism even though I'm about as feminist as Christine Sommers." or "I'm not that other guy."
Bernie actually had like, shit he wanted to get done, where Hillary is "lalalalalala everything's fine,,,,,,, lalalalalala" and alienating the marginalized people on the left.
Mostly because Bernie IS a socialist and knows what's actually needed to fix things. If anything it's neolib Hillary supporters that are just as bad as trump supporters. Especially because a lot of them are privledged fucks who glossed over Hillary's failure with the poor and marginalized people.

Latest answers from Chris McGee

nah to all of that whining. you have no ability to relate to anyone unless they share your exact ideas and experiences, yet you expect everyone else to bend over for you at every juncture. you're a savage little shit, and you're going to be miserable FOREVER because of your own actions. bottom line.

Why is being able to relate to people who treat my identity and issues as not real? Why should I give people who think I'm lesser any form of respect at all when it's clear I'm scum to them judging by how they threat me and the ridiculous expectations they have of me because of the bullshit status quo they want to keep intact rather than even CONSIDER seeing thigns from my perspective and go "maybe the system is fucked up and puts people like me above people who are suffering"
But that never occors to those people.
And before you try to twist it to use as a weapon against me, people like me are regularly ABUSED A
ND FORCED to "consider" what bigots think, but, you might not think it of me going by our stupid internet arguments, but I've done more than my fair fucking share of allowing bigots to stamp all over my rights. I only resist on the internet like this because fighting back IRL puts you in more danger. Because the bigot you tell off IRL might be the one who kills you or abuses you again.
But the thing is, people like me, CAN'T just keep quiet and let bigots walk all over us forever, at some point we have to tell this whole bigoted status quo to get fucked, and that it's not us that have the problem, the problem is the world is full of bigotry and we shouldn't stand for it anymore.

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nah. we just got done (and by done I mean "you dropped") a discussion about how you lack basic empathy. I think wishing death on a dude because he doesn't agree with the idea that you're the ur-victim is pretty strong evidence of that.

I don't lack empathy just because I don't see thigns from the perspective of oppressors and their devil's advocates, it jsut means I'm not like you and I shouldn't be fucking forced to be in fucking lockstep. There's a difference between empathy and forcing someone to conform to harmful norms. If anyone lacks empathy it's the people on side of that system, as guess what, it's people like me that have the uncommon view that doesn't get seen and considered 99 percent of the time. because of bigoted norms, people are FORCED to thing about the stright/white/cis/guy perspective because that's who's in control of the fucked up system, it's just realizing that system is bullshit makes us LOOK like we lack empathy when the reality is we refuse to be controlled by that system and disagree with it.
Do you know wha it's like to have your life ruined and controlled in the worst way possible? torture, rape, abuse, heavy shit like that? If yu were, would you just smile and live happily under the society of the kind of people who did that to you, hoping for your own death to release you from it? Or would you struggle for your own right to survive? This is the difficult catch 22 marginalized people face every day.
Because marginalized people like me face this same quandry against people like you. We are either weak pathetic attention seekers that are perpetually sad and depressed and "whiners" crying out for attention, or if we rock the boat too much, we're dangerous. We'll never be seen as worthwhile in the eye of the system.

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the world certainly would be safer if evil shits like you weren't around to spread your vile idea-plague, yes. on that we agree.

I'm not the evil one, it's people who say slurs and people who act like you who need to fucking go away so marginalized people can feel safe for once without being under constant attack.

are you actually hoping for someone to die, you awful shit? the fuck is wrong with you?

It's better for bigos to die than their actions being allowed to drive marginalized people they victimize to die. Le's face it, the world will be safer if evil people weren't able to hurt people. If that means hoping they are not around anymore because they won't ever fucking change because they fight and resist apologizing tooth and nail, so fucking be it.
Bigots who refuse to realize they fucked up, well they won't change so he most marginalized people can hope for is for them to be the ones to die before us. This is a struggle for survival.

bzzt, incorrect. seeing things from someone else's perspective involves not starting at "everyone who disagrees with me is a privileged toxic bigot asshole mra gator bully". you are sociopathic; unable to empathize. your main criteria for judgment is "how does this reflect my issues."

Do you know how hard it is for a detatched, hurt person like me to see things from other people's perspectives? Some people struggle with that, but that doesn't give other people an excuse not to empathise with me and my problems, if anything it's not my job to educade and/or take privledged people's nonsense because I've done it all my life and having to conform to their bullshit makes me feel just like when I was abused. It's less a lack of empathy and more that me believing privledged people don't need that much of a platform, especially if they're promoting ideas harmful to the marginalized.
because people don't jsut disagree with me, it never is just a disagreement and you know that. I react the way I do because it goes further than a disagreement. calling me insane is not a disagreement, saying I'm broken is not a disagreement, saying i'm "delusional" for seeing things the way that I do is not a disagreement. It's an attack, a condemnation of who I am. Do you expect me to empathise with "disagreements" that aren't even good faith disagreements? Most of these disagreements are either gaslighting, harassment, or a condemnation of me and shows their own lack of empathy.
I guess you can say I presume things about people, but when people act bigoted in some way, a victimized person is going to play it safe, because we can't afford not to keep ourselves safe, we can't trust people who act that way.

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also, I love how you whinge about nobody seeing your side when you have never, ever seen it from theirs. you're so lacking in basic empathy that the very first thing you do with another perspective is to figure out how it reflects on you, personally, and whether you can spin it as oppression.

Because everyone's else's point of view is the one that's you know, fucking common. Why SHOULD I see things from the perspective of privledged assholes and who think it's perfectly acceptable to promote toxic masculinity and horrid gender norms that just lead to more boys and such being bullied until they grow up to be the same kind of bullying assholes when the grow up, nevermind how that culture treats trans people, queer people, and women.
And the way you act like I'm trying to "spin things" shows more than anything that you think I'm some bogeyman out to get people when in reality it's people out to get me for daring to go against the status quo and you try to spin everything as a "crazy person making a scene in front of normal people"

bro, you have changed literally not one whit in the past however-many-years. hell, that SA thing you're still so sore about is two years old at this point! and see, right there, you don't discuss: you've got the voice of truth, and anyone disagreeing is just an insane zealot. so fuck off.

According to what, your ridiculous standards you try to force on me and my state of being? And there's a difference between disagreeing with me and calling me insane and harassing me.

oh, fuck off, I remember you passing judgement on an SRW game based on how you would imagine it would go. you've got the hot take on god knows how many series you haven't watched because someone you didn't like directed. you've been objectively wrong more than once. and none of that is gaslighting.

You always like to pull out crusty evidence from years ago to condemn how I am now. You plain just never want to see things from my side and just assume I'm crazy or whatever like so many other assholes who argue in bad faith do. and this "objectively wrong" shit reeks of said arguing in bad faith. And I do actually watch what I criticize. It's just my views don't line up woith the people who are huge zealots of said thing I'm criticizing.

there's a difference between correcting you when you say something objectively wrong or based on one of your dumb headcanons, which you absolutely did with your "mamoru is totally an autist" bit, and attempting to make you doubt your own sanity. but I guess those are the same thing to you.

"dumb headcanons" just to make fun of how someone identifies with or interprets characters is a really short-sighted and bad faith way to try and discredit what someone thinks of a show or a character. Also, claiming someone is "objectively wrong" about subjective mediums is just more bad faith antagonistic bullshit. And what I mean is the shit where they repeatedly tried to convnce me I was crazy, worthless or whatever and talk about my "brain problems" as they called it. How is THIS POST not gaslighting? https://forums.somethingawful.com/showthread.php?threadid=3707858&userid=0&perpage=40&pagenumber=35#post443443394
Or what about EVERTHING ON THIS PAGE: https://forums.somethingawful.com/showthread.php?threadid=3707858&userid=0&perpage=40&pagenumber=34#post443434553

you literally just linked the fucking definition, you don't get to bloody headcanon it now. and no, you don't get to claim you discuss fairly but ALSO everyone opposing you is super wrong and only trying to hurt you. doesn't work that way!

"Gaslighting is a form of manipulation that seeks to sow seeds of doubt in a targeted individual or members of a group, hoping to make targets question their own memory, perception, and sanity. Using persistent denial, misdirection, contradiction, and lying, it attempts to destabilize the target and delegitimize the target's belief." THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT THEY DID. THEY TRIED TO DELIGITIMIZE ME AND MAKE ME BREAK DOWN BY ARGUING IN BAD FAITH!
I was trying to have an actual discussion but then they made it about my "brain problems" and about how only a crazy person "would see it that way" and trying to make me feel worthless because I have a differering perspective from a bunch of privledged nerds that don't see things from MY perspective.

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