
Danusia Francis

You said somewhere you have a job now as well as doing school and gymnastics. I feel like that would leave you with very few hours left in the day! Do many girls on the UCLA team work? Also, what type of industry do you work in? Keep up the amazing work, and good luck to all of you for nationals :)

I am a student-athlete peer learning facilitator at ucla like a tutor for other athletes no I think I'm the only one with a job. Yeah I don't have much spare time! Thank You so much

Latest answers from Danusia Francis

You asked me what has ben the best day of my life so far, What has been the best day of your life so far?

cb8301’s Profile PhotoChristopher Berry
Ooooh I don't think it's happened yet because I've had a lot of amazing days but none of them stand out as the best

in answer to your question seeing my team play in the FA Cup final for the first time in their history. Are you planning on returning to the UK after you have finished at UCLA?

cb8301’s Profile PhotoChristopher Berry
Love it! And yes I am planning on returning :)

Ask me something, anything I don't mind what as long as it isn't too personal

What was the best day of your life so far

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