
Elijah Black

Ask @ElijahBlackEPU

What's the most badass thing you have ever done?

Have the intelligence to know anyone saying anything they do is "badass" is a fraud looking for the approval of vapid idiots.

What is the worst thing that can happen on a Monday morning?

Waking up living in crippling poverty in a region where there are no prospects for employment - and reading some fucking idiot bitch about someone at Starbucks spelling their name wrong on their grande-latte enema has shattered their precious little bubble

What would happen if you competed in the Olympics?

A mass exodus of corporate sponsorship, as there's no way I'd take part in an event that exists to make the fat cats fatter and their victims more obese.

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What childhood story actually frightened you?

What scared me the most when I was a kid wasn't some story of the boogeyman, it was coming home from school one day to find my dad sat on the couch, sobbing, as he'd found out that his years of hard work and loyalty meant nothing when a corporation wants to keep its shareholders happy, and keeping them happy meant downsizing workers in their thousands to increase profits.

How many times a day do you eat?

As many as I need to - and not, as some gluttons feel they have the "right" to, as many as I want to.

Shark diving, bungee jumping, or sky diving?

Shark diving. It's the only activity where you're likely to meet something with intelligence.

Which country do you most want to visit?

A country where the citizens aren't seen as a financial resource to be pumped for everything they have for the sole purpose of propping up the economy, even though the economy doesn't even exist.
Then again, does such a country exist?

What qualities do you value the most in your friends?

Honesty, intelligence, the ability to think for themselves.

What's the weirdest deja-vu experience you've encountered?

I get the feeling I've read the exact same bullshit again and again every single time there's a mass shooting, as the usual pro-gun nutjobs use it as an excuse to trot out the exact same false arguments riddled with inaccuracies and flat-out lies to say gun control doesn't work - because not having gun control is working out so well for people, isn't it? As Bill Hicks once said, there's no connection between having a gun and shooting someone with it and not having a gun and not shooting someone, and you'd be a fool and a communist to make one.

What is the last thing you do before bed?

Talk about a tough choice - do I switch off the light like anyone with half a brain would do, or do I decide to fumble around in the darkness filling out my tax return?
Now that I've thought about it, that's probably the reason why I switch off the light before going to bed. It makes getting to sleep so much easier.

What is the strangest thing you’ve ever eaten?

Back when I was in PWX we had a show in Tokyo, and because I was jetlagged half to death I did the one thing you should never let somebody do when touring Japan: let somebody order your food. Thanks to that jackass, I can go through life saying I have eaten a cod's ballsack - complete with its contents. And I don't want to go through life saying I've eaten a cod's ballsack, with or without its contents.

Do you think you've changed in the last year? In what way?

I've gone from being a free agent biding my time to a member of the Hard Knox roster that's going to unleash a little honesty onto the public. That counts, right?

Where do you envision yourself living in the future?

In the world I see - you are stalking elk through the damp canyon forests around the ruins of Rockefeller Center. You'll wear leather clothes that will last you the rest of your life. You'll climb the wrist-thick kudzu vines that wrap the Sears Tower. And when you look down, you'll see tiny figures pounding corn, laying strips of venison on the empty car pool lane of some abandoned superhighway.
...so at which point in the answer did it dawn on you that I'm quoting Tyler Durden?

What gift will you never forget?

I guess I'd have to say the gift my parents gave me of not letting people off the hook with hollow words and empty gestures. If I wanted to put up with bullshit my whole life, I;d work on a farm.

Do you already have Ask.fm app for iPhone?

I wonder if Veronica Taylor did. Probably should've checked before I fragged her phone, right?

Language: English