

What's the most refi lupus tip you ever herd?

Lol lupus. If by lupus u mean crazy, of so then. This one time I remember my friend telling to tell my crush how I felt about him and if he dosen't answer or says what? Or dosen't fell the same way...tell him "oh sorry got hacked" -_- wOw huh

Latest answers from MJM

What's the best thing you can purchase for $5?

that's is not gonna be possible bc of the shitty taxes so nothing

If you had a free ticket to anything, what would the ticket be?

I'd probably a 1D/TW concert but it's better I if had a airplane ticket were they are going to performe so I can have fun there and maybe (will) see them and ask for an otographe! Lol I know crazy.

How many besties do you have at school?

I don't think I really dI, but I hang with these awesome tree girls.

Witch is the best combination? Zarry,Ziam,Ziall,,Zouis,Larry,Liall,Liou,Layn,Narry,Niam,Nayn,Nouis? I'm if that's all of it.

Liall and Larry are awesome!!

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