

I understand this is a personal question and you don't have to answer of course, but I was wondering if people who identify as asexual still enjoy masterbating. In other words, does asexuality stem from sharing something intensely personal with someone else? Again, sorry if this is too personal.

It varies. Some masturbate, others don't experience arousal at all. Asexuals can experience sexual desire, but their desire does not extend to having sex with a person. Some asexuals do have sex for various reasons, but they typically don't derive enjoyment from the physical act itself.
Asexuality doesn't really "stem" from anything. As far as early research suggests, it's not connected to hormonal imbalance. It's also not connected to trauma, intimacy issues or anxieties about sexual performance. Some otherwise sexual people can experience a loss of sex drive - this is not the same thing as asexuality. Asexuality is as valid a sexual identity category as homosexuality or heterosexuality is.
Also, I'm not sure what you mean by "sharing something intensely personal". I think asexuals are capable of forming close relationships - and yes, romances as well, though some asexuals identify as aromantic as well. Their relationships doesn't cause them to become asexuals, though.
Thanks for asking this question, by the way. Sexuality is a subject a lot of people feel uncertain about. I'm happy to share my own perspective on the subject, and if that brings comfort to others who may be struggling with their own sexual identities, then I'm happy to have done my part.

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