
Ghofran JiJi

Ask @Ghofrann

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Hey sweetie, we were friends a while back and lost touch, I am following you on twitter again, could you accept my Skype request

Um sorry who's this?

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Why don't we chat anymore? I miss you, sorry I haven't been on skype in months, I wish we could talk again

Whoever this is, I haven't been on skype for a long time, nor on twitter so hopefully we'll be able to talk again soon :)

“ يَاربّ . . إصّرفْ عنّـا مَـا يقّلقنَـا ، وَ أرّح قَلوُپنّـا ، وَ إرزّقنَــا راحَـہ تسّع الگون .. ! جمعه مباااركه

آمييين :)

اللهُم اجعلنا ممن أقبَل تائباً فقبلته ، وذل لهيبتكَ فأحببته ، وسألكَ سؤاله فأعطيته , وشكى لك همَّه ففرجته وسترتَ ذنبه وغفرته

آمين ♥

i am good ha ha, how smart are you? got me on your first guess lol

Lol Yeah I'm smart enough and I have the 6th sense ;D

Would you rather someone fake laugh at your jokes to not be mean, or have them just keep a straight face to show it wasn't funny?

WalterN3D’s Profile PhotoWalt
Honesty is the best policy :)

You have to guess who i am lol, but you are really the nicest person i have met, i am glad we are becoming friends

Ummm Well if we're friends then you're as nice as I am.. Idk If I'll guess right :3

If someone you felt in your mind was (75%)attractive and they were holding the door open for you, and said "Hey beautiful, your looking nice today" would you say"Thanks" and keep walking, or stop and make conversation?

WalterN3D’s Profile PhotoWalt
I'd say "Thanks" smile and keep walking
Liked by: Walt


Language: English