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If you had one free wish - what would you wish for right now?:)

Stan_x’s Profile Photo9Ho
I would wish to meet All Time Low, so I could spend a day with them and thank them for everything they've done for me.
Liked by: 9Ho

Well would you like to go out with him why don't you ask him out? Why should distance be a problem if you like him ask him

Because i'm scared of rejection, and I feel like he'll say no to me

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Stan_x’s Profile Photo 9Ho

So are you and him seeing each other? He seems like the perfect guy for you then?!

It's complicated, he lives quite far away...

Is there any guy who like/fancy?! If so why do they make you feel that way and do they know how you feel about them

Martin, yes he knows how I feel about him, and he's just so sweet and.perfect and yeah. He makes me feel happy

you should picslip

I look absolutely terrible 100% of the time, I may post a picture tomorrow though just before I go to the gig

ive just seen you tweet about them and its really sweet

Which tweet was it?:') i've been pretty sentimental about my friends lately

I think its really good you have friends who are actually there for you

I have about 2:') But yeah, i'm pretty greatful that they're there for me

hi bby i love you millions and i need you to try hard not to cut for me tonigjt bcos you are far too special to be inflicting pain on yourself ok

Aw I love you too, i'm trying my hardest, thank you though

but like happy and sad, not like pain emotions?

Most probably yes, I think, if they can feel pain then they can feel any other emotion, like happy and sad, but just to a different degree.

do pigeons have feelings, like emotions, rly tho bc google won't give me answers anymore?

Yes, they do. Google is silly, of course pigeons have feelings

you never said if you believe she got raped so you dont believe her either.

I believe her, and it must be fucking horrible for her to deal with so shut up, stop trying to cause trouble and unless you're going to magically become nice, please go away

just dont see why she would lie about being raped and having mental health issues

Yeah thats lovely babe, tell it to someone who cares okay


Language: English