
Jerome Indefenzo

Ask @JeMhUnTeR

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Will you pls like my pic? https://www.facebook.com/DoublemintPhilippines/photos/a.753751004667113.1073741837.389585817750302/753767854665428/?type=3&src=https%3A%2F%2Ffbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net%2Fhphotos-ak-xpa1%2Ft31.0-8%2F10506580_753767854665428_3299489946817297453_o.jpg&smallsrc=https%3A%2F%

sure lol
wow, my ask.fm is going to be a pls-like-dis request page. meh. i just used this site as a tool for certain situations, and now its purpose is over.

What makes you like Kurumi?

1: she's pretty
2: she's hot
3: she's cool
4: she's not the annoying type of yandere
5: she's cute
6: she's best girl
7: her dresses are nice
8: there's quite a good amount of fanart of her
9: she didn't have much screen time so I keep looking for more
10: she was my last anime bias
kbai i don't lyk enumerating stuffs

So is Jerome Indofenzo your real name in that case what made you show it to the nets

nope it's not. My name is Jerome Ind*e*fenzo.
and why not? You can't kill people if you know their real names through the internet.

um you said you'll help whenever you can soooo.. <3

oh lol okay I think I get you now
(idk anymore which anon is which)
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Hey, are you a gamer? You can ask those stuffs in a more pleasant way xD

1: nope I'm not
2: meh, I'm not used to people using ask.fm as a social networking site.
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What's on your mind?

who dafuq are you and how dafuq do you have more likes than answers? o.O
meh, as if I care
hi there
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wait.. you lied!! my poor heart </3

awww isokay, I might not be able to do "anything" for you, but I'm here to try and help whenever I can <3
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waaaa hiiii!!

hello c:
plot twist: anon is a guy
#suicide #killMeNao #hashtagsOnAskFmBecauseFacebookHashtagsAreTooOverrated
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