
Jeff Veillette

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Why do you hate Rachel? She was standing up for you earlier. Kind of a dick move.

I don't actually hate Rachel, I don't actually hate ANYBODY. Like, period. It's a running gag of sorts that I boost up Casbi and rip on Rachel
Liked by: gabi cass rachel

wait wait, im confused.... whos rasbi and whos casbi? I read it first as rabbi and thought you were talking to jewish people....

Three girls from Twitter, named Rachel, Cassandra, Gabi
They can thus be combined into Rasbi, Casbi, Rass, Rabi
Liked by: Sydney Miller cass gabi

Could Napoleon have won at Waterloo?

Depends on whether his complex interferes with his compete level

What are your thoughts on most hockey fans ripping on soccer because they say it's a "pussy sport"

It's stupid. There's a huge overlap between hockey and soccer players in North America and soccer requires a lot of the same strategical concepts and athletic ability. The issue is the idea of "diving" but the reality in soccer is that it's strategical, contrary to the belief of others.

mother fuckers act like they forgot about dre

How can you forget about a soon to be billionaire?


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