
Jessica Scott

Ask @JessScott1234

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again i will ask y the hate but this time, y the hate for people

Cause everyone's rude. Our generation is so bad and I want to not be in this generation. What annoys me is people who self harm for attention like now days its a trend and people prey of other people. I mean yes I have been a bully once or twice and I but myself for it now. But it's so common now and people do it on a daily basis. Like I was with my mum and people tried to act tough and staunch me and say shit to me and said shit about my mum, those who now my mum she is the most down to earth person, loving loyal non judgemental, it hurts. It just makes me feel sick. Seeing how depressed and mentally screwed up our generation is an how many people are commuting suicide because of People breaks my heart. I am changing my out look on people now and trying not to judge but it's so hard when today's "people" all act like Sheeps And follow one another, no ones acts them selfs no one does what it any more. An how many people think it's cool to miss school Or drop out because they would rather do drugs... That's why

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