
Katherine Pierce #Survivor

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I love ur account. I ve missed you. YOU act like YOU ARE KATHERINE FUCKING PIERCE *fan girling*

Thanks anon.
You might be my fav blood bank.

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Să fii singur e o binecuvântare sau un blestem?

Am alergat 500 de ani, singura din cauza unui hibrid nemuritor si cu toate astea, nu am incetat sa iubesc. Umanitatea e cel mai mare blestem alaturi de singuratate, a unui vampir.
Liked by: Jocul destinului

Just askin! You know maybe.. he deserves more than just death

I were very patient with you..Now go away or I'm gonna kill you

And how would you like your revenge to be? By him being yiur sIave?

Even I think death comes faster than we think and its easier, it would be the best revenge. Anon, why so curious ?

Where Stefan is *He grabbed her chin softly and kissed her lips* Doesn't matter. *Damon smirked* Country music? Didnt know you had a thing for that *He imitated the music, making them both laugh*

Charming. Like always. I have a bad feeling. *tries to focus on something * I want to sleep.

What is more important to you? Making peace or revenging on klaus mikaellson?

Making peace is like watching a boring TV serial.

*Damon tilted his head* Klaus? Thought you and him were friends again? *They got into the car*

Damon, don't be silly. Klaus its always gonna be the monster who killed my entire family. Where is Stefan ? The blondie got him ? *turning the music on *

What? I'm supposed to carry yours? *He chuckled, then kissed her lips and took their suitcases.* You look pretty today, pretty as always, Kathy.

*searching for her phone * Where is it ? I have to set silent mood, cause I dont wanna talk with Klaus. I'm kinda avoiding him..
Liked by: Moonchild ☽

*Later on, Katherine informed him that she was going to be on vacation with Damon. Klaus kidnapped Damon secretly and asked a witch to put him in Damon's body. Now that he possessed it, he went back to Katherine in Mystic Falls* Ready for the greatest trip in your life? *Damon aka Klaus winked*

Sure blue eyes. *smiles * Grab my suitcase and let's go.

*He pulled Katherine closer on her arm, then dragged her on top of him* Damon can wait, you might wanna choose me instead *He murmured seductively, chuckling*

Hmm * starts to kiss him * But I prefer blue eyes, even after a while. * left him and run*

And what is it that you have to do? *He tilted his head*

Damon's day. I need some blue eyes in my life...Anyway ? Why ?

Your humour is delightful *He smirked*

Like always. I have something to do today. Do you think can survive without me ?

Good to know that *He chuckled, then emptied the blood back with one huge sip* Thank you, Katerina, I feared I would never get to drink that again

It's always a pleasure to see you alive. *sarcasm*

*He put on a playful, but tired smile* I do your nails, and you do me a favour in return. Is that a deal? *Klaus grabbed the drink in the meantime* What will happen if I drink it?

You will be the same annoying and immortal person that I ' ve met. *smiles *

*Klaus woke with a start, bending forward and almost hitting Katherine's head* Clearly you couldn't have come five hours later, could you? *He moaned, then glanced at the bloodbag* What is this?

Blood with a little spell. Drink it. Try to be nice with the one that can help you...* looks at her nails* I have to do my nails..Again * trying to smile dramatic*

I'll try to survive without you *He giggled, lettting himself fall down on the sofa*

*while Klaus sleeping she came* Wake up ! You need this. * grab a glass with blood * Miss me ?

Kind of help me? *Klaus smiled weakly, his strength fading* As long as I'm not only supposed to clean your shoes *He chuckled and tried to pull himself up on her arm*

* laughs * I need to find Damon. If you need me call me or leave a message.

You don't understand me, Katherine. If you kiII me, you will die as well. And you need me alive ... *He pulled her face close to his* Because you love me

To love you ? * starts to laugh* I will always look after myself, me and I. I just love me. But I will..Kind of help you. * grab his arm and brought him a blood bag*


Language: English