
Ledo Tarek

Ask @LedoTarek

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What do you want to know about the future?

where are the girl who i will engaged ? :D
when i will travel from egypt ?

What are you looking forward to in the new year?

btmnaa bldy tb2a a7saan w mn4oof4 asw2 mn kdaa
btmna 3la el mstwa el 4aaa5sy btmnaa abtl 3sbyaa w arg3 baared zy zaman
w 22sr lsaaany 4waayaa :) w akun sdaaakaaat akter m3 any a4ook f dy
atmna a7aaafez 3laa a7sn soo7aap 3reftohoom f 7yaaaty w homa y3rfo nafsohom

What are some of the first things you do in the morning?

el,mafrood asly y3ny w b3deen as2l 3la ftaaar w anzel gam3a


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