
Luka Radulovic

Latest answers from Luka Radulovic

Do you think the U.S. military is well-trained?

Whatever the US army throws at us we will withstand. I believe that their regular infantry isnt really the best trained in the world , Serbia, Russia, France have the best infantry doctrines that have proven themselves through WW1 and 2. But there are a few parts where the US army is good. Example their special forces, DELTAs is that how ya call em again? Also if we take a look at the US military as a whole , we can also say that the NAVY Seals are some of the best spec ops out there. The thing with the US military is that it relies more and more on tech which isnt a bad thing. But things that make a regular ground pounder get forgotten.

I ended last night's game with over 4 million credits and a full fleet of Percheron carriers. Ujelly?

Fuck yea im jelly :/

Како највише волиш да траћиш време?

Pomalo sam na kompu, pomalo treniram radim i ucim.

Ако би одједном могао/ла почети причати један страни језик, који језик би то био?

Poceo bih da pricam Ruski. Ruski je jedan od retkih jezika pored engleskog i nemackog koji mene interesuju. Jezik koji je lepsi nego ovaj francuski koji svako hoce da prica. Ruski jezik je jezik topline, kako se reci nezno izgovaraju i slicno...oduvek sam hteo da krenem na casove ruskog jezika. Steta sto nisam mozda bih vec uspeo tecno da ga govorim.

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