
Makel G.

Ask @Makelgriffin

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You talk to taj

Idk what that means if you're asking if I do then sometimes I do I'm friends with his sister and they live in my neighborhood

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why are you even friends with her..?

Because I like her ?😂 why do you waste your time talking shit about her

why do you talk behind Emilys back? she likes who she likes. wouldnt you want her to be happy? fake friend✌👌

I definitely talk behind Emilys back 😂😂 where are you even getting your information from get a life

dont believe me thats fine. but shes lying to you bout not liking him

How do you know what she's telling me tho?

Emily wenhold is such a fake friend😂 she likes drum.

Oh? I didn't know she liked drums they're pretty cool they're good instruments

'I saw you two when he took the ball from you at 4th period outside' um.. can you not..? Like ill pass on that ty

Stalker much?

Shes such a fake friend. Shes fr jealous of everything.

Lol ok we've been friends for a little while now and she clearly isn't but obviously people like you don't have a life and they waste their time talking about her for no reason she's never done anything to you so gtf

Shes annoying an ugly.

Lol go to school and get an education and a life so you can stop hating on people that have no affect on your life


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