
Tim "Magic" Sevenhuysen

What was your opinion on the booing before SSG-C9? A lot of people seemed to heavily dislike the booing, which I disagree with.

Caveat: I didn't actually watch the pregame show.
I don't mind the crowd booing the "away" team. I have some mixed feelings about whether or not the booing was personal, or felt personal to the Samsung players, but from what I've read in interviews afterwards they didn't seem too bothered.
In general, I think fan passion is a good thing, and a sign of the fans' growing investment in LoL and comfort with doing traditional "fan things." But I understand the other side of things, where people see booing as disrespectful and would like to see LoL/esports "rise above" those negative connotations.
Ultimately, I think this is a cultural expression that will vary from place to place, and the norms will sort themselves out over time. As long as there aren't things like racism or implied violence being tied in, I think it's okay to let that naturally play out.

Latest answers from Tim "Magic" Sevenhuysen

In terms of ADC I personally am so sick of the Ashe / Varus meta but with the Doran buff do you think we'll see a resurgence of Vayne, Kalista, Kog, etc. across all regions ?

I'm not a great source for predicting metas or commenting on micro elements like itemization, but I think we already saw a drastic shift in the ADC meta over the last while with Kog'maw, Twitch, etc. Lots of diversity, and I hope it continues, because it allows players and teams to express themselves in different ways and not just be pigeon-holed.

Are you very hopeful for Immortals? I could be wrong, but it seems like they really got the short end of the straw with the trade. I don't know who their carries are.

Side lanes will be the focus. Cody Sun needs to break out, with Pobelter and Xmithie facilitating.
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How familiar are you with the coaching scene in NA ? Any thoughts on Dylan as a coach and possible impact in FNC ?

Daniel Alexander
I'm not all that familiar with Dylan unfortunately. I think he's got some decent material to work with, and I wish him and his team luck!

How do you think Dardoch will work on CLG? Was he 'toxic' on TL and IMT because of the poor infrastructure? Does CLG have the right environment for him? And what's the difference between Doublelift and Dardoch? Since DL was kicked and then they get Dardoch..

CLG Dardoch has great potential, especially from a team balance perspective.
To elaborate on my point about playmaking, Dardoch seems like a great addition because he can be a big playmaker and carry. Some of CLG's recent struggles have come from lacking a reliable second carry after Stixxay and a reliable second playmaker after aphromoo (who was stuck on mages so much last split). With Dardoch as a new threat, Huhi should be free to play his more supportive style again.
On paper, it sounds great.
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I know people are saying FW have a good match up vs SKT but feel role for role SKT are just better and i think their play overall is just way better what are the actual chances that FW beat skt? Do u agree that Peanut, Faker, Bang are the best in their role in the world maybe Score better than peanu

Let's not get carried away. :)
Saying FW have a "good matchup" against SKT is, IMO, kind of like saying "they're slightly bigger underdogs than you might think!"
I haven't scouted Flash Wolves extensively, but from what I've watched, I see a team that may be a bit too comfortable winning mid + jungle matchups, taking bot lane tower, and rotating that objective lead around the rest of the map. There are some echoes of last summer's TSM, where there wasn't much need to be good/great at everything, because they could do whatever was comfortable and it just kept working.
This is all in the context of me feeling that Flash Wolves may be the second-best team at the tournament, so I shouldn't be too hard on them. I really want to see them succeed, and if they do take down SKT it will be super exciting (and will probably have a lot to do with Karsa potentially out-battling Peanut).
For the second part of the question: Faker is best in world, Bang is maybe on par with one or two others, but Peanut took a step back this split, still very good but Score is better (and has been for a while), might be a few others better.

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what if KT Easyhoon? would he be a good fit?

Could work. But we've seen that not every Korean player has a good transition after spending time in China. Hard to say how it would actually work. On paper I like it.

How can someone say x champ is better than y in a lane matchup? What are the factors?

Complicated stuff. Has to do with damage trading patterns in lane (can one champion consistently land an extra 40 damage every time they get in range because of a more reliable skill combo or a mode of crowd control that counters the opponent?), or which champion can push the wave more quickly to get a faster first recall for the first item buy, or who can always get last hits without taking a bunch of harassment because their range and cooldowns are superior... So many things. So very many things. :)

Explain to me how can you say a person like Forg1ven can be one-dimensional when he can reach top 500 in Europe, Global Elite in CS:GO, play competitively CS 1.6, rank 1 in HotS, be the top 1 in EUW for a long time. It's even more baffling to me when you rate and value Doublelift so highly 1/3

I unfortunately don't have time or incentive to write out a full explanation of my opinions on Forg1ven's skill and value to a team. He is very skilled, but ultimately it should be telling that even after reaching Worlds Semifinals, he does not have a team this split.
I wish him the best, and if we see him back in summer I'm sure we'll get some really entertaining play out of it.

Best western player?

Bjergsen (if you're going on overall career strength and value, not just most recent performances).

Who, in your opinion can be a dark horse for this year's MSI? I would have to say G2. They have no pressure on them, everybody expects them to flop and they can surprise a lot of teams. Their macro is solid and comparing this G2 from IEM I think that they've vastly improved.

Can the Flash Wolves be considered a dark horse?
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