
Greg Street

If someone comes, gives first blood and then he afks am i fucked up?

Again, the intention is that the feature is to allow you to fix a "broken" game, one that never even started correctly. If someone plays for a little bit and then leaves, that's not a broken game state, just a disappointing team member. We certain;y don't want any feature that makes players feel like what they are supposed to do is AFK if things turn south.
And again, if the specific rules we put in cause weird behavior, we'll adjust those rules. The intent is that you don't have to play 20 minutes until you can surrender if you start a game with only 4 players. This is something players have asked for for a long time.

Latest answers from Greg Street

The way you tag answers with so many different categories on tumblr is so cute.

I know they are wildly inconsistent and that sometimes it's #leagueoflegends and sometimes it's #league of legends. Maybe I should just give up. Clearly I don't know what I'm doing. But I have this dream that at some point the site has 10,000 answers and people might only want to read the ones about squids, or high-level D&D or maya pyramids.

You going to be on radio silence until Jan? Xmas and all that

I have been answering more questions on http://askghostcrawler.tumblr.com/
I move some of these questions over to there. For this particular answer, I'll probably post some over the break since I'll have plenty of free time for once. It won't be as easy to ask other Rioters when I don't know an answer, which will reduce my ability to address those topics.

Just because someone is "playing to win" when they want to duo mid or roaming Singed counterjungle support shouldn't put *any* burden of proof/flexibility on the rest of the team. If the rest of the team doesn't think it is acceptable most games, the community has spoken.

I answered this on askghostcrawler.tumblr.com

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