
Sandra Håkonsen

Ask @Sandrahakonsen

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Are you riding in Marbach next year?

I don't know... Loica is too young and then I don't have a big horse to ride, but my mom is saying that I can ride lord 😶 don't know if she is joking or not actually 😂 I have been riding him in a CNC* and he had no problems with that sooo... I don't know

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How did it go on NM?

It went okay, he had way too much energy so the dressage was shitty, the xc was okay, he were a little disappointed to not be allowed to run as fast as he can, but we won haha

I thought you had one year left as a ponyrider?! What are you doing after this year then?? :o

I'm sorry, but I'm born 2.January2000...
I don't know if I will quit riding or continue with my 5 year old... I also have two 3 year old...

But do you want to sell him to America or what country do you want him to come to??

Like, I don't want to sell him, but he gets irritated if he don't go competitions, and then I don't see any other option than selling or leasing him out... I don't care what country he comes to( even if Germany would have been cool), I only care about the home and rider

Heard that someone from America is interested in Lord? Is it true?

Yes, unfortunately for me 😔 someone have already asked about the price for him and if we want to sell him to a girl in America... But we want to see the rider riding lord so he ain't disappearing to a totally shitty home or rider...
I start crying every time I think about selling him, and America is FAR away 😓

Ønsker du å delta i flere store mesterskap med hest? (Em/vm/ol)

Hvem har ikke lyst til det? Haha, men vi får se, enten så legger jeg hestekarrieren på hylla eller så fortsetter jeg med hest. Går 5'åringen min like fint videre kanskje jeg satser på noen mesterskap med den, men for nå får jeg bare bli ferdig med ponni og ta resten som det kommer 👍🏻

Hva er målet ditt med ridning?

Jeg tar ting litt som det kommer, men i år var det bare å kvalifisere med til EM, noe som jeg gjorde 👏🏼

Hva skal du gjøre med lord når du er ferdig med å ri ponni? Skal du kjøpe deg ny hest?

Jeg har ikke lyst til å selge lord, blir trist bare av å tenke på det 😓 men vil veldig gjerne "Lease" han ut 😄
Jeg har allerede en 5'års som er på veldig god vei nå, skal kvalifisere meg til 1* neste år med den og har i tillegg to 3'åringer den ene er etter lord så det blir litt spennende 😄

So my horse didn't finish her food she was laying down caught fire then she got yo walked into the feild and layed down coughed up a ton of flem with no blood in it I think she pooped and now she's grazing she didn't have a feaver either what is it and what should I do

I would have called the vet if she was still laying down, if she is getting better I would just have walked with her

Do you think a good horse is everything? Do people buy there way into showjumping. How much money for a horse is to much. Do you think people buy Really honest horse and think they are amazing riders and then ride shit and ruin there horse? Do u know many that r ungrateful to have a cool horse?

No, a good horse ain't everything, if the rider can't ride the horse at all the horse can't be as good as it it.
People buy in everything. If they have money they buy.
For me a horse for 20/25k euro a little too much.
I know people who buy really good horses and ride like shit and then they ruin it... Unfortunately they are get ungrateful for their horse then :/

When are you leaving for Denmark at the European Championships?

I am leaving on Monday the 15th, the day after the Norwegian championship, and I really hope I see anyone I know in Denmark, because the eventing part don't begin before Friday I think

If you could have chosen between being a carpenter or painter, what would you have been? why? 😂😂

Hahahah, I think a painter because I love to paint 😂

Have you ever had a summer job?

Nah, been busy every summer because of the riding... But always wanted one tho 😂

Why did you start a year earlier?

Because I was bullied in the kindergarten and I came home with biting marks on my arms and so on, and also because it was to boring for me because I may be a little smarter than some others 🙄😂

When do you start in high school? Date

I began last year on my first year(started one year earlier), but now on my second year I start 22.august


Language: English