
Taylor Marie :)

Ask @TaylorrMarieee

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What do you like to do on the weekends?

Sleep. And sleep alot. Haha :)
Or hang out with Friends. :)
This weekend I'm actually going to the beach :)

You should watch out for Amanda if I were you.

Amanda who? Do I even know an Amanda?
Thanks for the concern though.

lol SO glad markus finally realized i was right...he's better of without you anyways......i deff didn't "make up stuff" and if i'm "just about the fakest person" you met then why did you hit on me and try getting with me?! lmfao

Honey. We're still fucking talking. So. :) and he loves me and I love him, so please get the fuck over it.
And yes you did. I read the messages. Well people can get deceived by shit on polyvore. I just finally saw your true colors.

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Way to block me lol. That's okay, it just shows how scared you are of the truth. You know I'm right, I told the truth and that makes me a bitch? Oh well #sorrynotsorry :)

Dear Ms. @Grace-nicole No. I'm not "scared of the truth" I blocked you because I don't deal with this catty drama nonsense.
No. You're a bitch because you made up stuff to tell markus about me. Then you tried to make me unhappy when I thought we were friends. You back stabbed me. And you're just about the fakest person I've met on polyvore. That's why you're a bitch honey.
Now don't hate me for telling the truth. #sorrynotsorry :)
Liked by: Grace Bennett

Do you miss anyone right now?

yeah. quite a few people actually. they all hate me now for no reason. so.

What was the last thing you bought?

a shirt i believe. its really cool and has superheros on it.

youre a desperate obsessive whore and markus is gonna realize that soon

Wow. Thanks.
I seriously don't even know what I did to you people.
I'm assuming this is lacey. Cause she's the only person I've wronged lately, but at the time she deserved it. If not, get a life.

What are your views on people from Polyvore being close in real life and telling their real life information to each other?

It depends on the person. If you're really close then I think it's okay.
I've personally given my number out to about 4 people on here. And we are all still friends except one. I can count on them, and they can count on me so I think that's justified. And honestly, there's a real person behind that screen. I'd rather get to know them then the person they "role play"

How do you decide what movie to watch?

I just put them all together and just pick a random one to watch ahha

how old we're you when you lost your virginity?

I haven't lost my virginity lol.
No one is worthy in my life right now. :)

Should animal hunting be banned?

I think it should be. It was created for man to eat. And unless we need to eat deer to survive, ( I personably think cows and chicken are fine), or a bird who happened to be somewhere at the wrong time.. I think it should be banned. It's not a sport. It's cruel.
It would be malicious if I put a group of men in an arena and shot at them. So why is it different for animals?

What are you busy with today?

Icing my injured shoulder. :(
15 minutes on, 15 minutes off :(
Uhhh. #athleteproblems

Who said I even like kev? ... " And yes I like kev " you said it?

Well things change. I'm not into anyone. I'm just looking for friends at the moment

What did you dream about last night?

I can't ever remember my dreams. :( once I wake up, my brain has no clue what I dreamt about. Haha.

you are hella desperate it's funny as fuck.

Actually I'm not.
I don't even want a relationship right now.
But you're right. You know everything about me anon. ;)

You do know that you're not the only one who likes Kev right? Stop bein so clingy to him

Who said I even like kev?
I'm not being clingy but alright.


Language: English