
Kyle Eveland

Ask @TurdFurgy

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If a man cheated on his girlfriend and she found out, but they both got transformed into fish as karma, and then he ate her in one gulp, what would he say as he swam off

Nothing because fish aren't known for discussing their feelings.

When was the last time you had a flu? Do you have flu often?

I had a flu for the first time in December of 2012. It was the end of the world.

What is your opinion about corporatists? Would you like to be a corporatist?

I don't even know the meaning of the word.

Do you do what other people tell you, or do you make your own decisions and act idependently?

There's a balance of and a time for the two.

What hour do you usually wake up? Do you need an alarm to wake up?

My shift at work alternates each week. One week I wake up at 2:15am and the next 3:15am. I have an alarm set, but I often wake right before it goes off.

Do you have a car? If yes, are you satisfied about it and what brand is it?

I do; it's a Toyota Corolla and I'm not a fan, but it was the smart choice for me at the time.

Have you ever experienced injustices? How can injustices be solved?

I would think that most people have experienced an injustice ir two. Justice is a tough topic, but I think admitting wrong doings and forgiveness can help a great deal.

Did you see the movie "Spotlight", that won the Oscar for best film?

I have not. I mostly see movies late when they come to the dollar theater.


Language: English