
Alexis Marie

Ask @alexissdd

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Do you believe in destiny? What's yours?

I believe in God having a plan for me which can go hand and hand with destiny and im not sure yet but i know when it comes knocking on my door I hopefully won't be too scared to open and let it in for a cup of tea.

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What historical figures do you most despise?

I like to live in the now and future its a waste to live in the past.

Would you rather be a lonely genius, or a sociable idiot?

Lonely genius. sort of my introvert personality talking though.

Which website or app do you use first in the morning?

website: Google. App: facebook messenger.

Which foreign country do you dislike the most?

um. the place where they kill people...oh wait..um nvrm

Post your most liked pic on Instagram or Facebook!

facebook with 77 likes and i don't know why cuz im an umpa lumpa
Post your most liked pic on Instagram or Facebook
Liked by: Liza Fye

What did you dream about last night?

my mom...she told me to brush my hair or i won't be able to leave my house
What did you dream about last night

In three words, how would you describe your best friend?

Gorgeous, caring, and the most amazing human you will ever encounter <3 <3 <3
Liked by: Allison Gray


Language: English