
Andra Semesta

salah ga sih kalau kita terus mengharapkan cinta seseorang padahal kita tau dia cuma biasa aja? alasannya?

uh.. gw ga tau sih "biasa aja" yang di pikiran lo kyk gimana maksudnya.. (sifatnya? mentalnya? etc) itu kan dari sudut pandang masing2... tapi emang kalo nggak spesial buat lo harusnya ya nggak perlu diharapkan cintanya haha. alesannya karna syp tau ada org lain yg lebih connect ke lo kan?
gw susah liat konsep "biasa aj" secara objektif sih nih hahahaha.. (everyone's special for different kinds of people yo..) but okay I'l try.. so apa mungkin maksud lo.. dia tuh "biasa aja" (in whatever form and level of biasa aj that is).. tapi ada parts of who he/she is yg make you keep thinking about him/her and keep coming back gtu ya? in that case salah ato nggak-nya tergantung sama "situasi" hubungan lo berdua sih sepertinya. mnurut gw "that feeling" ya patut dipegang juga kalo emang ada haha, tapi coba untuk jangan memaksakan situasinya kalo emg ada hal2 yg ud bikin susah.
gw juga kyknya berkelemahan dalam mengharapkan orang terlalu lama sih orangnya -___- huahuahua but at least not as bad as a few years ago I think.

Latest answers from Andra Semesta

tujuan kedepan yg ingin di capai?

Pengen bikin sesuatu Yang sangat “moving”. It don’t necessarily have to be my “masterpiece”...yet..tapi ada this thing I feel like I need to express yang gak bisa dijelaskan to the point.. more like a looming feeling, dan gw rasanya kayak harus nulis sesuatu or sing about it or illustrate it in some way tapi creatively lagi lumayan ada blockage, but at the same time I feel like some sort of puzzle pieces are aligning at the back of the subconscious. Just need to go through with it all, let be some stuff, let go some stuff, Keep asking myself what’s really important for me and be perceptive as deeply as I can to my surroundings/collective consciousness

Tulis lirik lagu yang kamu sukai

Maaf baru buka ask.fm lagi jadi baru liat ada question haha
Today is the 20th anniversary of one of my favorite albums of all time so I think I should post a lyric from that:
“Contrast and compare between the busy ones
And the ones that don't care
Until there is no one that you really know
So I drift through these days of appointments and promises made
They will all end up broken and quickly replaced
Weeks are slow, days drag on;
Even practice and parties seem long
But I found myself going
I guess there's nothing to do
Oh well”
- Bright Eyes “Contrast and Compare” (from the album “Letting Off the Happiness”)

Language: English