

Ask @Beluball

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Why these anons from all the way want to be friends but deep down they're scared to reveal who they are ??

I used to be, so naturally, I guess:
Some of them may not be able to fully control their dark sides. They are just trying their best to communicate their goodness to others. They don't want to ruin their virtual but wonderful happiness with some of their real flaws.

What teacher in school made the most impact on you and why?

Physic teacher. He's the coolest person I've ever met. And I like physic.

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我想知道你单点是怎么发力的?有借助手腕还是单纯的动指根?我换了红轴感觉单点找不到节奏QAQ很大力按倒是能找到节奏不过打几个就没力了。碰到那种塞得比较满的二分一压力山大QAQ(比如你的suikyou heaven :p)


I love your suikyou HEAVEN mapset. Has helped me improve in speed, thank you!!

I'm glad you like it ^^


Jim Zhou
第一个问题,1.找到最适合你目前练的极限图(切记要找能力范围内的图,串可以全300但是打一遍手会非常累的;乱按的自虐是毫无作用的)2.玩命凹,尽量去克服所有的连打梗,能FC最好3.手的负荷过重了就休息一段时间 第二个问题,是



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