
Biju B.

Sounds good!I'm drunk tbh which is why I had the guts to message you. Bit i'm grand.

Ah well, alcohol is always v good for courage I guess! Any occasion or just celebrating life?

Latest answers from Biju B.

how can one become friends with you?

the same way you become friends with other people, talk to me! i don't bite, and if you're cool and we have stuff to talk about, we'll be friends.

Old lady days are the best though. I can't wait til I'm 80 and I can do it all the time and not give a damn aha. Thank you darling! I'm super excited/nervous/ I'm gonna be all suave and charming, hopefully.

yes! and I'm sure you will be and everything will go wonderfully!

Oh wow not much then xD Quiet day for me too. I visited a friend at work and now I have a date, exciting times!

no, today was old lady day for me hahahah and a date! whoa! i hope all goes super well and that the person is v interesting

Glad to hear it! The good bits I mean. How was your day?

it was v quiet, i was sleepless for a few days so i slept in, dealt with some emails, wrote a bit of my essay, i went out to do my washing now but somehow forgot the bag so i'll do it tomorrow cause i'm taking it as a sign. some bureaucratic bullshit is going down which is quite upsetting but i'm pretty sure it'll be easy to solve if i call them up tomorrow. What about yours?

I'm doing pretty good actually! How are you on this fine day?

i'm good too! some things are stressful some things are alright and some things are really great

Heauhea ah, que gracinha, que bom então :)) quando eu souber que você vem pra cá, dou um jeito de esbarrar em você hahahah

^-^ sim!

Pq seila é uma viagem minha, improvável, eu moro em sp etc etc e você não se interessaria de qualquer forma, me sinto meio babaca por te achar tão gracinha tão de longe e constrangida haha

Mesmo que seja improvável que eu volte pra SP, não precisa achar que eu não me interessaria poxa, aposto que você é super legal! Eu me sinto muito honrada por você me curtir, mesmo platonicamente, não precisa ficar constrangida! Não é babaca não e não precisa ficar constrangida! Da minha parte pelo menos eu me sinto super elogiada :3

Language: English