

Ask @Debinski99

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If you could live on another planet, which would you choose?

Well I wouldn't survive on any other .. So I'll stick with this one

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You probably get this alot but you're really pretty

Awh thank you , actually no I don't get told that a lot

why aren't u and Jenny friends anymore

I honestly can't answer bC I just don't know . I miss having her as s friend though

You seem really sweet & caring

I am very sweet and caring sometimes I tend to care to much I have a very big heart , that gets hurt easily , but thank you (:

Prove you don't have a butt. Side picture in leggings bc you always look good in school.

I'm fine if you see me at school I don't have to prove anything

Do u have an older version of yourself? lol. Ur very beautiful, don't let anyone tell u otherwise. ;)

Hah yes I have a sister

Wedgie questions are because you got a nice butt and people are thinking about it haha

I don't have a butt .. That's awkward . Someday I may bc working out but not rn . Haha thanks tho

i was climbing down my bunk bed and my tighty whities got stuck on the ladder and i slipped and was hanging there by my tighty whities and couldn't get down. i gave myself a wedgie and then my sister and her friends came home and laughed at me and left me hanging there. would you leave me hanging?

... What's up with all these wedgie questions ..

i get really nervous in front of girls and sometimes fart on accident in front of them. should i expect to be a virgin for life?

I'm sorry .. Sounds like a personal problem

Post a pic of the back of your hair. I like how you did it today.

I don't remember how I did it that day sorry

What do you wish for the most in the new year?

To find true friends & find ways to be constantly happy . To become closer to God . And just to have a year full of memories . Who knows what God has in store this year. Can't wait to find out


Language: English