
Isidro Hernandez

Don't chase her attention and affection unless you're after her heart. If you're not interested, let it be known. Never watch her fall for you and walk away when you see expected commitment instead of fun.


Latest answers from Isidro Hernandez

damn well that's sad :| havin low self confidence like dat is a big let down. how do u expect to keep a relationship with someone if u have no type of confidence? dat means ur jealous and insecure asf all the time. u needa cut that shit out cus even the uglyiest nigga out der still be confident asf

Okay that's a personal problem ,

what did you do to her to break up the relationship now? just be real with her and tell her the truth -_- obviously you still love her you still got all des pics up of her like ya still together. she deleted all ur shit quick af.

Yeah I'll try

why would u rate urself at a 0? are u just fucking around or u deadass have no type of confidence? o.O

Because I am a 0 , that's the way I look at myself

how come u never smiled in any of the pics you took with kristhy ? u always look serious af , no type of emotion ahem...

I dont like my smile

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