

Ask @itsu_usotsuki

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Hello, I work at an animal shelter and we have lots of expenses. To help with expenses I created a youtube channel with videos recorded there, showing cute and funny situations with our dogs/cats :) Would you mind giving a look and subscribe? https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUAV4jE32k2BaO8vngEuyww

This is actually very cute, I'll leave it here.

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Has your year gone the way you hoped? Professional? Personal?

I never really put any hopes into anything so I don't end up disappointed but I have to say that the last year didn't go so wrong for me.
I improved my mindset, learned a lot of things about self-love etc, to value my own life and embrace even the bad things about myself and the damage that was made in the past. It was a big step for me so I'm happy to say that, so I hope it will last.
Otherwise the year wasn't such a success, we all know why, but I'm just going with the flow amd doing my best to stay sane.

How has 2020 been for you? Tell us a bit about it, if youre comfortable doing so.

ErinWolf4919’s Profile PhotoErin Wolf
It's been really hard but also full of steps forward, important decisions, personal growth and new people around.
In some ways it is such a disastrous year but I've been personally blooming so I'm happy at least because of that.

do you like yourself more when you're positive or nagative

cssyahia’s Profile Photoyahya
I dislike some things about myself but I'm trying to accept myself the way I am, doesn't matter if I'm positive or negative about anything at the moment.
Also I'm barely a positive person so I would prefer not to decide whether I like myself more just when it comes to this. I'm still me so I have to 'like' my whole persona, not only the brighter part.

How do you deal with the fact that the people who hurt you are doing well in life, better than you are

AhmadBakheitMndo’s Profile Photo∆HMED
I'm not interested in lives of such people, couldn't care less. I focus on myself.
Also it's not a rule that they have to always do better than me in life only because of them hurting me somehow. And if so, then whatever, I'm not concerned.

What is your favorite anime and manga? 😊

My favourite anime might probably still be Devilman Crybaby, I haven't seen anything that touched me more than this one for such a long time. I really like it.
And manga, well, definitely Oyasumi Punpun. It has a personal meaning for me and I don't really read manga anymore anyway so it will be my favourite probably forever.

Favorite anime opening?

momran’s Profile PhotoLag
It's not from an anime, but I really liked the one from Mystic messenger's Another Story. The song is really beautiful. 🤍
But when it comes to anime, I tend to love the endings more, which are way calmer than openings. My personal favourite is the ending from Zankyou no Terror called Dare ka, Umi wo.
https://youtu.be/AV7QjFdNkUkitsu_usotsuki’s Video 163601657239 AV7QjFdNkUkitsu_usotsuki’s Video 163601657239 AV7QjFdNkUk

Are you mindful of how pleasant your company is to the people who spend time with you? Do you do anything specific to make your company more enjoyable to others?

I think that if my company wasn't pleasant for the people I spend my time with (which probably means my friends and family) they wouldn't want to be with me at all.
Of course I want them to feel the best way possible while being with me, but I still want to stay myself and not to be someone else just because of other people's sake, no matter how enjoyable my company would be thanks to that.
It's just the best to be you, people will enjoy honest company more than dissemblance.
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