
Jessie Hotchkiss

Ask @jesshotch

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I see on your profile that you really like to play music. Do you write your own songs? If you get a recording deal, what kind of songs do you think you'd want to write/perform?

MathewJosephMen’s Profile PhotoMathew Joseph Menard
Yeah I'll get on that tomorrow .___. not easy. not sure.

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What do I do when I am the only one besides my aunt (whom lives 700 miles away) that believes in my dream......?

Sometimes I seem to be the only one who believes in mine too. just do what you can get your hands on. if that means doing stuff on youtube for it to get out then at least youre making progress :)

the button question actually dates back when women started buttoning men's shirts so that way it wasn't awkward for women to button backwards because it was normal for them

alrighty then xD

What's the weirdest item of clothing you own?

I have a hat that looks like a penguin with a bowtie :3 I consider that more fun than weird though


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