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tak perlu Menghapus Kenangan yg berjajar rapi dlm ingatan?

tergantung, aku rasa kalau itu kenangan pahit, harusnya dihapus

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Gua ktemu mantan di ig gua dm mnta ngefollback & disitu kita tkeran wa, gua tau dia udh pnya pcr, kmaren dia live kan gua liat dia maen gitar gua suruh nyanyi lah, trs di wa aku minta vc kita vc ngobrol brcndan, abis itu pcrnya nge dm gua tny apa hub gua sm pcrnya, yg salah gua apa pcrny yg over ya?

pacarnya yang salah, tp seharusnya kamu juga menjaga hati pacarnya.

Saat perasaan anda mendadak tidak enak, sebetulnya itu hanya sekedar perasaan aja, atau akan terjadi suatu hal yang ga ngenakin sih??

itsmadine’s Profile Photoemáp
akan terjadi sesuatu, entah kenapa semesta begitu
Liked by: emáp

Kalau pacar punya sahabat cewe trs mereka selalu chat telpon vidcall itu wajar ga menurut kamu?

there's a saying from people "hakikatnya dalam sebuah hubungan itu harus menjaga hati". tapi keknya pacar ente gak begitu

kalian cewek pernah ga sih udah pdkt lama terus kalian ngarep tuh trs nanyain hubungan kalian ini gimana sih gt? trs kalo kalian cowok wdyt kalo ada cewek yg gitu?

dulu aku pernah kayak gini. butuh yang namanya suatu kepastian. kalau iya iya, kalau enggak ya enggak.
tapi lama kelamaan aku sadar, yang namanya hubungan itu tidak melulu 1 atau 0, hitam atau putih, ya atau tidak. tinggal lihat aja derajat keabuannya lebih condong kemana

Rekomendasiin skincare dong

uhm i don't know... soalnya produk skincare sehari-hari aku cuma krim pelembab dan tiap 2 hari sekali aku pakai masker oles itu haha

kkkkk thank you for the info, i'd download it in the future~ you MUST prioritize ur final projects then, it's definitely more important, good luck and do ur best for the final projects~~ ??

huhuhu thank you thank you you're so nice. have a nice day!!

aaaaaaa.. its just that my 3G phone turned to 2G kkkkkkk so i dwnload the pdf and save it on my phone. there's an app like that now. well have a fun reading, tell me how's the story like later when you've already finish it or yeah we can just talk heee ?

Actually once you saved it, you can read it offline. Say no to pdf reader lmao. And anyway i have read until the part where they will go to shrines up in the hills. Then i realize i have final projects for next week ;----; need to refrain myself from reading fanfics ;----;

its really long, but you wont find it bored, you should take ur time reading it kkkkkkkkk btw you havent started?? can ur phone save pdf file, it's better read it on pdf i guess heheeee

can't stand reading something long with white background so i always save it on pocket app and read it later hehe
its really long but you wont find it bored you should take ur time reading it

its not a sad story, but it hit right on ur heart, abt family, loneliness, separation, friendship, it's idk what to say kkkkkkkk you'll know when you read it ?

nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn curious curious curious curious curious curious curious curious curious

aaaaaaa if it's on sooenamoured i thought i've read all those fics kkkkkkkkkk but thank you so much ??

heheh me too me too~

at first i thought people were just exaggerate ittotdk, praising here and there. then yeah it was the first time i cried my eyes out over a love story between lovers. idk what to say abt ittotdk, but perhaps i'm just exaggerate like the others ?? and i'm in the middle of reading it again~

;-; is it sad story???? ;-; oh no god no pls nooooo bu but but ;-; why...

uwoooo can you share me the link of ur very first baeksoo fics?? well, if you still save the link ?

sure! saved it on my listography tho. they are sport!au even if you don't like sport thingy, i'm sure you will get addicted to it and want to read more and more....... or no....... lol maybe is it just me lol. i guess you have already read them :/ 1) unforced errors http://sooenaemoured.dreamwidth.org/2338.html#cutid1 2) sink or swim http://chinguline.livejournal.com/23023.html

kkkkkk enjoy, but you must read 'in the territory of the dragon king' first, it will change ur life (what the heck kkkkk) i read it till dawn and had a mental breakdown right after i read it

eyyy you make me curious >.>


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