

Ask @kristenmorgan

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Post picture laying on belly with your legs kinda brought back toward you where you can see your soles showing in the background! :)


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your gross

sorry i thought insulting people over an anonymous website was over??? but if you think it's still cool you could at least use correct grammar

Hahah yeah well it's a weird talent i guess.. It's actually not that hard, i can probably even try to explain how to do this! You might be able to do it too.

nahh hahah im all good homie

lol i can actually do this. got an innie but can also turn it inside out to make it an outie and push it back in to innie..hahaha as weird as that sounds.. you don't know anyone who can do this?

nope hahahaha weird

A week ago I broke up with my boyfriend because of a rumor. I found out the rumor that he cheated on me wasn't real. He treated me like a queen. He cared for me. I feel really bad. He started crying when I broke up with him. He's hasn't been talking to be since. How can I get him to talk to me.

shoulda talked to him before you assumed the rumour was real


Language: English