
Afika Indah Pratiwi

Desc rambut ta

Hahaha kepo ko pasti ka pake hijabma😂😂 sorry baru buka askfm ku setelah sekian lama dan malas ans question.
Desc rambutku? Hmmm rambutku agak dibawah dan lurus diatas akhir akhir ini halus sekali, jatuh kebawah walaupun ngembang sedikit krn sering diikat😂😂😂 dan gampang sekali diatur. Tp mmg agak kering krn rambut itu sebaiknya setelah pake sampo pake conditioner supaya ena' rambutmu jd lembab tp sy malas sekalika yg namanya pake conditioner lg jd itumi mmg bagus ki tp agak kering ki, dimana-mana kl mau rambut ideal pake shampo + conditioner.
Saya toh kl sdh mandi, sy bungkus rambutku pake handuk smpe capek sendirika trs sy biarkan kering sendiri besoknya rambutku sdh kyk yg sy desc diatas, no catokan, no hair dryer (tp kdg kl mauka pergi tp perluka basahi rambutku ku hair dryer ji jg). PLUS, kl mau rambutmu keriting dibawah kyk sy jangan mko sering sisiran, sy paling sisiran kl sudahka keringkan ki pake handuk rambutku, besok besoknya nda pernahma sisiran biar mau mandi brp kali krn rambutku halusji nda usah di sisir tp toh kl nda berhasilki di kau percayalah mmg rambutku keriting dibawah😂😂 no jeday + curly machine kl sdh mandi psti selalu keriting dibawahnya ji sj.
Tp itu kondisi rambutku setelah pake hijab pka, Allah tau lah yg paling baik bagi wanita, mungkin krn pake hijab rambutku jd tdk pernah ketemu sm sinar matahari makanya gampang diatur + halus sekali. Nanti biarlah suami mu yg lihat rambut indahmu😆
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Latest answers from Afika Indah Pratiwi

I thought that by this time in my life, I'd...

change my habits and live my life with goals.

How fast do you fall asleep?

qw lagi nonton the vow di trans tv. i'm telling you that trans tv will turn on some good movies in the middle of night, dulu w nonton marie antoinette yg pemainnya kristen dunst, its such a rare moments biasanya trans tv turn on film dari jaman dahulu kala tp try to watch their movies in the middle of the night. its soo goood!
How fast do you fall asleep

If you get a chance to say something to everyone, what is it about?

1. Kejutan bukan surprice tapi surprise. Please. I've been seeing that stupid typo since I'm still in junior high school, things change but surprise still written as surprice. Idk if it's typo or you're just plain dumb.
2. Kalau mau naik lift dahulukan orang yg mau keluar dari lift dulu. Terima kasih.

hi there, I am nada! I applied as a graphic designer and also as an author at EXODICTED. But I got no response, does this mean that I am not accepted, or what? sorry for disturbing

NaDaHisHaMAzZaM’s Profile PhotoNAdA HiSHaM
Hi nada! Yep will reply to it soon!

Do you prefer to be alone or around people?

I wish to be alone. Right now I'm in state whether someday I would hang myself into a rope and die young, I'm frustrated that I won't let anyone to hug me or tell me that its gonna be okay when I know its never been and would never be okay, I'm dissappointed with how everything's went these day, I'm even dissappointed with my life and everything thats inside my life is somehow made me want to get rid every single person thats around me. Please, I'm so fucking stressed out that my life is turned nowhere and I can't even find my way back to be as normal as the gossip girls kind of person. I wanted to die but.... Its shame, I miss my brother & I want to protect everyone that loves me. God, I'm done.

Who is someone you wish you had never met?

Not someone, everyone (except some of precious person in my life) rest of them are just like dog poops that I swear I won't let them enter my circle anymore.

PAP of the very first image on your camera roll?

Sahabatku satu-satunya yang paling baik dan tidak pernah marah, my secret keeper dan tidak pernah bicara buruk tentang saya ke orang lain, its like she loved me for who I am that she won't let me sad or dissappointed with her, tell me honestly when I'm wrong/ugly, the first person that cried for me when I'm sad, my number one baymax, teman bangku dari entah kapan sampai sekarang pun masih sama-sama. I can't even find any bad words about her bcs she knew me so well that I want to cherish my friendship with her forever💐
PAP of the very first image on your camera roll

How many sms do you send a day?

Semua answer akhir-akhir ini bukan dari saya tapi dari Aurel, I have never touch my askfm since 2 months ago. I confirm today bcs I just see it lol, sorry I but I'll never play this app ever again, cuma mau baca-baca if I happen to open it. Ciao😊

Language: English