
Muhammad Fachrizal

Ask @mFachrizalr

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Buset, "anak". Kalo gitu coba; golden time, monogatari series, sama.... nisekoi. Sebut alasannya juga. :3

iya, "anak". i love all of them.
Golden Time: doesn't have a real "best girl", but i think Linda is the most solid and consistent female character.
Monogatari: Senjougahara FTW. Despite her unusual character, she's always hard to read and think differently. oh, and she's bold and romantic as hell.
Nisekoi. AAARGH LET THE WAR BEGIN. still torn between #TeamChitoge and #TeamKosaki. Chitoge is playful, athletic, expressive, joyful, type of girl that could make every man enjoying themselves.
On the other hand, Kisaki is shy, pure, soft, timid, and caring. she's a girl that every man wants to protect.

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Gimana ya, susah juga. Sebut aja 3 yang paling berkesan dari semua anime yang pernah ditonton. Yakin nggak ada?

lebih dari 3. banyak banget.
buat gue setiap seri anime itu unik, khas, dan memberikan "rasa" tertentu. udah kayak anak sendiri. makanya gue hampir gak bakal ngehapus anime satu seri pun. semua sangat berkesan.
kalo mau nanya "best girl", kasih aja judul anime secara random. kalo gue dah nonton pasti gue jawab.

Who is your favorite anime female character?

wah duh, ini bingung ini.
secara general keseluruhan gak ada, adanya prinsip "best girl from anime xxx". jadi, sertakan judul animenya apa.

Lucu. Describe yourself when you were kid. :D

quite noisy. temperament. perfectionist. something like "hyperactive-autistic-unusual kid".

Secara umum aja sih. Kan ada orang yang nggak suka anak2 karena berisik atau jorok. Lu gimana?

berisik atau jorok sih gak masalah, normal. toh bisa dididik. pengalaman masa kecil sih hahahaha

Huahahaha, maaf ya mas. Btw, i beg your apology in advance for i'm going to troll around.

trolling is not a crime. go on.

Alright, let's play a game. Drop some lines on my ask.fm page if you're interested in my identity. Let's see whether you could lure me out or not. Well, only if you want to. Bye. Hahahaha. *peacesign*

*sigh* mbak, tolong lah.

Yang terakhir kayaknya lebih aman buat 'reaktor nuklir' gue. Atau yang kedua. Terus lu nggak penasaran gitu sebenernya gue siapa? (Sepertinya tidak, okay *mojok*) Atau udah mulai bisa nebak-nebak? Haha.

ada beberapa dugaan.
cuma gue butuh clue untuk melanjutkan atau menggugurkan hipotesa gue.

Yah, emang separah itulah rasanya. (Btw kayaknya metafora lu lebih unik -_-). Terus emang 'masalah' apa yang mau dikelarin?

masa' sih?
ya problem lu yang bingung mau maju atau mundur atau mempertahankan status quo.

Do you ever feel like having an unstable nuclear reactor inside your ribcage? That's exactly how I feel. Hebat yak? Gue ga seberani itu sayangnya. I'm such a coward. *kemudian pundung*

....jir, metafora yang unik untuk menggambarkannya...
yah, karena gue mikir paling tidak jadi jelas, dari pada gantung gak jelas mending kelarin masalahnya. lega deh. seperti habis konstipasi.

Aaaa it's not that easy. You just don't understand. You're oversimplifying everything (and i'm so exaggerating). ( ; _ ; ) What would you do if you were me?

yeah, i know. i just threw a bait there, and waited for your response.
gue? tabrak aja.

Beats me *fingercrossed*. Well, it's just me who won't be able to interact with you like this anymore. Don't think too much.

why? think 'bout it, you can talk and do lotsa things IRL. it's a good opportunity, y'know.

Yah, sori. Jangan marah. ( ; _ ; ) What are you going to do when you know who I really am anyway? Everything will just turn awkward.

RahSeta’s Profile PhotoRah Seta
nah, i just went WTF'd there.
awkward? berarti lu kenal gue/masih ketemuan IRL dong?

Err... ahahahahaha. Told ya. There's nothing you can get from there. Any protests? (;▽;)

how the fuck can i get something from there? daamn
so that's an alias? dammit i couldn't find anything, even on Google.

Okay, okay. I usually go as anon to troll people. Congratulations, Anda orang pertama yang dapat pertanyaan non-anonymous. (Anyway, ini nggak penting.)

RahSeta’s Profile PhotoRah Seta
wait. who?

Ngg... berani ga ya? There's nothing you can get from there though. Nggak ada pertanyaan lain ya? (;▽;)

i dare you. because it seems to be fun.
belum kepikiran pertanyaan lain.

Hmm... I thought you're going to say something started with "sorry" or such. Hahaha. Okay then, is there something you wanna ask to me? Off anon misal. Hahaha.

nope, saying "sorry" when actually you wanna say "thank you" is bad. shouldn't do that.
that's interesting. dare to do that?

Eeei, don't you dare to laugh at me!(`Δ´)! C'mon think harder. I'll wait.

well, i guess maybe if i couldn't become her lover, i'd still accept her feelings. being "closer than normal friend" is good, i think.
anyway, putting aside whether i like her or not, having someone confess to you is lovely. the point that someone out there is thinking about you really motivates you to live on. i'd be very thankful.

Did i say something weird? (´;Д;`) Btw, do you really have no clue, or are you just being careful not to hurt my feeling?

*chuckle* no really, it's just quite interesting.
really have no clue.

You've never been in the situations I asked in my previous questions either, yet you could scheme everything well. What makes it difficult this time? :)

"scheme everything well".
that's quite interesting way to say.
err i dunno. i really have no clue.

How do you reject a confession from the girl you don't like?

damn, this is heavy.
to be honest i don't really know, no one has ever confess to me.

That's nice. Next: do you get sick often?

well thank you.
i don't think you can call it often, but yeah i'm getting sick periodically.

Are you the type who easily get mad/patient & composed?

well, i'm kinda sensitive on some topics.
i always try to stay composed though.

Google tells almost everything

oh right. i forgot i always have the same username for every social media i made.

Kalo gitu gue yang bilang. Lu keren. :) Anyway, besok2 gue ga ngerusuh lagi. Ada pertanyaan balik?

well thank you.
nemu ask.fm ini dari mana?

Okay, next: your bestfriend turned out to be mentally ill. Would you change the way you treat him/her or just pretend like nothing happened?

pretend like nothing happened.

Your wife stabs your 2 year old baby with a knife. Assume that you are given the opportunity to kill her with the certainty of never facing any legal, social, or any other consequences. Will you kill her out of rage? (Assume that the killing of the child was premeditated, and in no way accidental).

nope. better bring her to the police. don't wanna get my hands dirty.

Oke oke, soalnya '50/50' bakal dibaca '50 out of 50=highest score'. Next: judging/perceiving?

ah right. it should be 50:50 there
both at the same time.

Maksudmu 50:50? Next: math-person/art-person?

seperti melempar koin.
keduanya. tapi akhir-akhir ini cenderung art.

Do you lie often? (Berpura-pura dan menyembunyikan fakta termasuk)

tergantung situasi sih. manipulatif bisa dibilang relatif.


Language: English