

Ask @mandythera

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What are your hobbies?

for some reason i just love looking at ansel elgort's teeth, so i guess that's pretty much my hobby.

If you could travel the world with only one person who would you take?


What was the longest conversation you have had with someone recently? What was it about?

Jeanete and it was about how amazing she is. :)

if you could only talk to 3 friends for the rest of your life, who would those friends be and why?

I love talking to myself so me, me and me.

describe 'songong' itu bagaimana

Songong ya songong HAHA tapi secara spesifik biasanya yang muka dan gayanya senga gitu deh trus kacang abisssss

I'm so fancy!! I'm so fancy You already know I'm in the fast lane From L.A. to Tokyo I'm so fancy Can't you taste this gold? Remember my name 'Bout to blow

Who dat who dat

Good morning and good night i wake up at twilight. It's gonna be alright. We don't even have to try it's always a good time.

Oooooooooooooo its always a good time

bagimu apa yg terkenang dari bulan januari 2015

Literally cant remember anything. BUT GUESS WHAT I FINALLY WENT TO DUFAN!!

Apa yang akan kamu lakukan kalo melihat sampah berserakan di jalan ? ( perkumpulan orang - orang yang resah dan sedih melihat banyak sampah berserakan di jalan yang ada di negara Indonesia)

Resah sih, tapi mau gimana lagi? Sampah udh terlalu banyak, di mana" bejibun. I can't do anything, but I sure will help by not throwing sampah sembarangan lol

kalian setuju gak kalo kendaraan bermotor di indonesia ditiadakan? (polusi dan macet dimana-mana nih).

Boleh lah dikurangin dikit", tapi kalo dipikir" kasian juga mereka yg kurang berkecukupan. Setidaknya motor bikin mereka bisa bepergian.


Language: English