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السلام عليكم حبيت اسلم عليكم علشان ماتقولون قاطعه يالله مع السلامه علشان ماتقولون نشبه.

aleeno0o’s Profile PhotoRowlaiz.
مع السلامة

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كثرت المواضيع التافهة والتي أشغلت مجالس الناس كثيرا ومواقع التواصل الإجتماعي، حدثني عن أحد هذه المواضيع ولماذا تراها تافهة هكذا؟ ،،، a lot of unnecessary subjects has been discussed between people and in social media, tell me about one of these subjects and why do you see it unnecessary ?

dohmi86’s Profile Photoدحـــمـــي
مباريات الكورة ما شفت اتفه منها و سوت مشاكل لا تعد و تحصى و بالنهاية على ايش؟ كورة هه غباء
Liked by: Abdullah al3tebi

قبل أن تخلد للنوم.. أفكار متعددة تراودك في تلك اللحظة وحتى تغمض عينيك.. هلاّ شاركتنا بعضا منها؟

dohmi86’s Profile Photoدحـــمـــي
للاسف انا من النوع اللي اول ما يحط راسه على مخدة ينام
Liked by: Abdullah al3tebi

You need love in your life why aren't you in love!

I don't mind having it, but I'm not in the mood to chase it. What's the problem as long as I'm not dissatisfied? Am I right or am I right? God bless me.
Liked by: Abdullah al3tebi

Hey guys :D .. Do you think that we, humans, are from different planet? because we are so so so different from other animals; for example, we are the only creature that wear clothes =), we are the only creature that cook food, we are the onllllly creature who speak a proper language, etc! weird huh?

EbrahimX7’s Profile Photo♬ EbrahimX7™
Not at all. Animals, humans, plants, we're all god's creatures except that humans are one of gods greatest creation, humans are gifted with creativity, intelligence, power and many many things. But all creatures belong to one place, earth.
Liked by: ♬ EbrahimX7™


3rft men =)) bs la l2n i snapchat everything in my life LITERALLY every single thing. Plus I only add close people❤️


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