

Ask @misspoet271

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I don't have any question. But I really love your posts💕

Awww! Thank Youuuu 💜💜💜You are so sweet

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شكرا على الردود وعلى رحابة الصدر 🌹🌹 ... الله يوفقج ونحضر افتتاح الكوفي شوب يارب 👍🏽❤️

عفوااا. أجمعييين ان شاءالله و آمين يا رب 🙌🏼

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ودي يكون عندي شغلي الخاص. صراحه احلم ان يكون عندي كوفي شوب ان شاءالله يوم من الايام احقق هالشي.
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اكثر شيين لاحظت انج تحبينهم ( القهوه - والورد ) شنو يعنولج بحياتج هالشيين ؟؟

منو ما يحب الورد؟ الورد شي جدا جميل. و القهوة بالنسبه لي اسلوب حياة .. جد يعني وايد استانس لما اسويلي قهوة اشتريلي قهوة و اشربها طبعاً 😅هالاثنين سعادة بالنسبه لي مثل ما يقولون.
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shlonch ma3a el bard

احب الشتا، ف شعوري الحالي جدا حلو يعني صج برد بس عادي 😂

العفوو حبيبتي؛💓بس لان انا ادرس بجامعه الكويت و تخصصي ادرس كل المواد بالانجليزي بس المواد الاختياريه بالعربي و انا اللحين صارلي ٢ سنه بالجامعه بس لي اللحين عندي اللغه مو توب و خايفه من هالشي ان ما اكمل بالجامعه عموما مشكووره على جوابج💓❤️💓

والله لا تستصعبين الموضوع خاصه اذا انتي حابه هالشي راح يعطيج دافع اكثر . و حاولي تقرين بصوت عالي سمعي شلون تقولين الكلمات. شوفي فيديوات اب يوتيوب . وايد في اشياء تقدرين تسويينها

بأي جامعه تدرسين؟ و شلون تعلمتي الانجليزي؟ و اذا ببدأ اتعلم نجليزي شنو اول شي اسوي؟ و بسس احب تصوويرج و استانس لما تنزلين صور🙈🙊💓

ادرس بالجامعه الاستراليه، و والله طول عمري حكومه 😂 بس من و انا صغيره اقرا انجليزي و اشوف افلام بدون ترجمه ف اتوقع هذا السبب ان لقطت اللغه. و من دشيت الجامعه لان خاصه ف ماكو عربي بالجامعه ف هذا الشي بعد ساعد وايد. حاولي تسمعين طريقه الكلام عشان حتى لما تتكلمين عشان تتقوى بعد اللهجه عندج و بس والله مادري شقوول .. و واايد شكراا شوي و انزل صوره 🙄😌💜

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لا عشان لا تفكرين اني ريال اغازل😂😂

😂😂😂 ! لول زين اشوه

ولا مره شفتج وماعرفج عدل بس يمكن انتي تعرفيني بس والله حبيتج واااايد❤️❤️😉😉

💜 حبتكم العافيه

:) mashallah.. another thing makes me think... are all ur friends non-arabic speakers?? or just colleagues

Uhmm well I love to get to know people all kinds types from everywhere i see beyond the language, race, etc.. but I have non arabic and arabic speakers as friends. As well as colleagues? Made sense?

and u still keep a great shape. pffff... touching woods

😂🙌🏼 oh God well I work out from time to time i should be consistent thou but eh?

good evening and welcome back to ASK... i was wondering... do u play any kind of sports

Thank you, and no I dont

wats fun to u...

😂 somehow I forgot whats fun for me xD Wow I might be a boring person but I like to enjoy morning outs having good breakfast and coffee I believe this is fun?

im asking to be ispired... bcoz i do want to travel. soon i hope

Seek adventures do things that you havent done. Take risks. this will make traveling more fun

maybe i didnt word it in a self_explanatory manner. my apologies... anyways... do u plan ur travels or they just pop up

I havent traveled a lot honestly. Not that I dont want to. If I could I'd roam the world lol but to answer your question. Some are planned and some are not

in my mind... i initially thought i will only reveal myself when one day u wait for my questions.. not that it will ever happen but that was my thought process.... i want to ask u about travels

Wait for your questions? And ask away? Sure its nor like i'm an expert thou

yeah i totally seee where i going and i agree with it... so lets try to get what i was looking for.... if i were to ask u... what photographer would u suggest me to look at ... whod u pick

@jalil marvin
I can list more but I like their way of photography 🙏🏼

copying and being inspired r 2 different things :).

Yeah I knoww cuz I see some people they copy without trying to figure their own style. Not photography only anything in life

to be honest... im a bit surprised... bcoz we all started from scratch yet were influenced by someone

I think that I'm always seeing things differently. Even if I saw something that inspired me i never copy its style I grab the idea and make my own.

it does make sense but i was asking about a figure.. a name that u like both in photography and writing

Writing: I have been doing it since I was 14.. So I don't think there is anyone cuz I started on my own. In photography I like some figures but I built my own style so I don't know how to explain it in other worda

and who ispires u in photography and writing

Thats a hard question. But uhmm I guess anything could inspire me. A song lyric to me making coffee. Or words said to me I can't put it in few words cuz it's limitless ? Made sense?

i kind of noticed the urban photography sense.. instead of the common street photography

Haha yeah thats what I meant. Inspiring type of photo.

good good:) anyways.. back to the main reason i followed u... photography... ive always wondered.. wat are ur favorite photography genres?

If I could I'd go live somewhere in Italy or new York for street photography or street fashion kind of shooting.. It makes me happy


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