
Muktitika Handayani

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Lagi sibuk apaa mbaknya?? Maw kkn ya? Seru ga? Bagi2 yg ganteng...

hahah ambil aja smw silahkeun

Kebanyakan dari qt,,,, suka banget melihat diri sendiri di depan cermin.. Sayangnya,,, ternyata cermin itu tak sepenuhnya jujur menampilkan diri qt..


hehe :") ohmyfuckinggodness,go educate yourself dumbass! im just an anonim for you but nah for him hehe :") https://ask.fm/antiridhohirmawan/answer/141577414686 gue capek ngejelasinnye ke orang orang cetakan "miskin logika" kek kalian. you said what the hell he is but you stl keep this fckg shit

antiridhohirmawan’s Profile PhotoAnti Ridho Hirmawan
LOL this is so hillarious. I don't even know who the hell Ridho Hirmawan is and yet you still ask the damn question to me and now you call me a dumbass. First of all, you can't even pronouce the words and write sentences properly, nicely, and you said I should educate myself. I think you are the one who needs some education here.
Second of all, you said you are an anonim to me, and not to him. Well, you know what. I don't f-ing care? Because, for me, you are just someone who writes behind the screen and not brave enough to even show your name.
Third of all, you said you are tired to explain whatever the shit is to some people "like me" yang "miskin logika". LOL. I don't need explanation, dude. I brought this out because you started the question and I'm bored so I'm playing.
And the last sentence you said, "you said what the hell he is but you stl keep this fckg shit" well, well. I never said "What the hell he is" because ofcourse he's not a thing but he's a he so I used the word who--but whatever tho. And I still "keep this fckg shit", like really?? I was just answering your question.
I don't know what your problem is with this Ridho Hirmawan but if you think he is really that wrong, you don't need to hide behind that "antiridhohirmawan" mask, dude. That just shows the whole thing that you are just a freaking coward. And stop spreading the hates, just life your own damn life and make it better than Ridho's, or anyone else's. This thing you do, won't make you better than him, it'll only make you less.

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wdyt bout @ridhohirmawan yg ngga ngambil snmptn'16 di 2univ and sok pinter bgt malah milih kuliah di NUS? adkelnya dibl dia malah idc,fvck lah ngga hargain bangsa samsek! sokjenius miskin! negara malu punya org kek gini.ngga bisa bersyukur malah bikin org lain sengsara.bantu sebarin guys!

I'm sorry, I'm not here to spead hate.
I don't even know who he is let alone hating him for doing something he CAN do.
And anyway, it's his life to choose where he should be studying, to archieve the future he always wanted.
You said "negara malu punya org kek gini." WHY WOULD OUR WHOLE COUNTRY BE ASHAMED OF HAVING SOMEONE LIKE HIM. I mean come on. WHY. He's achieving his dreams, he's in the college he's been dreaming. Who knows he'll be so useful in this country when he's graduated from that NUS--whatever-- and use his knowledge to make this country a little better? Actually, you should be ashamed of what you're doing, minding somebody's bussiness and asking other people to hate some certain person in some anonymous questions. like, what the hell is your problem.
You don't have the right to say he's doing the wrong thing and saying he's ungrateful just because. He has his reasons and consequences. I mean, I don't really know what he's doing, or who the hell he is, but it's his life. He can do whatever.
And I don't care, so bye.

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i hate when people say "sok inggris" like what??? english is very important,its the 21 century,you need to master or at least just speak english to have a job except ya want ya ass to end up broke

Liked by: иayya jeje

mba tau merk omega 3 yg dipake bang sabda gak?:v

waktu itu aku pernah jawab kok, coba deh scroll dikit lol:(

Heh Muk, rekomendasikan film yang bagus, yang ada mas-mas gantengnya. Tapi jangan yang asia. Apalagi korea. (P.S ini bukan rasis)

can't wait for Me Before You bc it's Sam Claflin and the dimples in his cheeks yesh walaupun sepertinya agak klise dan cheesy
Heh Muk rekomendasikan film yang bagus yang ada masmas gantengnya Tapi jangan

what is the definition of rindu?

Rindu means missing something. It could be someone, it could be a moment, a scent, a thing.

Rindu is when you lose something you usually get and start feeling of wanting it again but you know you can't do that, so, you just, like, Rindu-ing it.

Rindu is something that always knocks at my door everynight, everyday, whenever I think about him. ea. Rindu is something I always tell it not to come but always there even if I'm not wanting it.

Rindu sucks. I hate Rindu.

gilss sket ariana grande mu mendapatkan ratusan love ?

qu tak ingin ratusan love qu hanya ingin satu love dari dia

ngga. aku ga dikasih tau apa2 ttg syarat dll dan gada jg di infonya

ya sudah yang sabar yah❤ kalo kamu merasa benar mending protes saja kan pembeli adalah raja(?) wehehe

mau minta pendapat, aku kan beli buku via online, hrganya mayan lah 200k gitu. Katany harga segitu dpt buku+banyak file panduan gt, Pas dtg bukunya, kalau mau dpt file tsb kita hrs foto pake bukunya trs pasang di fb+ ksh testi biar dpt filenya. Aku ko ngerasa kesel, udh byr mahal ada syarat gt. wdyt

berarti kamu harus baca lebih teliti lagi ketentuan dan syarat-syaratnya. kalo menurut aku itu emang strateginya sih biar banyak yang beli. bonus ini itu tapi ternyata ada tanda bintang kecil di ujung judul tulisan trus ternyata ada syarat dan ketentuan berlaku.
kamu mendinglah kayak gitu.
aku habis beli buku kan online...
niatnya mau beli Divergent sama Insurgent sekaligus..
aku salah pesan
jadinya Insurgent semua
jadi dua buku
tapi Insurgent semua
tae emg

lebih prefer yg mana.. akreditasi: a) kampusnya A jurusannya B b) kampusnya B jurusannya A ????? thanks x

kalo aku pilih b.
next kuesyen dong jangan yang soal beginian kek wkwkw

Gada yg mustahil apa gimana ya. Jd aku pernah Tryout sbm taun kmren. Aku dpt PG 20%an. Diatas nilai ku 21%an ada temen aku. TO itu 2minggu sebelum sbmptn. Pas pengumuman, ternyata yg 21% itu lolos ITB SITH. Itu gmn ya? emg kemungkinan selalu ada apa gimana ?? apa gila2an 2 minggu dia....

yang menentukan lolos enggaknya kan SBMPTNnya, bukan TOnya, jadi bisa aja sih kaya gitu. bisa aja pas TO dia emang nggak serius ngerjainnya, tapi pas eksekusi langsung sungguh2. trus bisa juga karna faktor saingan2 dia atau karna ya kita nggak pernah tahu semua hal yang dilakukan orang, bisa aja dia belajar on fire pas kamu enggak(?) wkwk yang jelas rezeki orang emg beda-beda tergantung gimana usaha kita ?


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