
Claudia Novreica Sutrisno

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kok bisa sih?

Hello! I am one of the finalists for YOUC1000 x ESMOD Jakarta Fashion Design Competition 2016. This is my video explaining about the concepts, inspirations, and details of my entry:
http://youtu.be/-N2eUFFHeFcnovreica’s Video 113817590484 -N2eUFFHeFcnovreica’s Video 113817590484 -N2eUFFHeFc
If you like my video, please vote by clicking the LIKE button on the YouTube video, and share to your social medias. I really appreciate every single like and share that you give! Thank you! 😁
kok bisa sih

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If you had to change your first name, what name would you choose?

Interesting question. I always hating my first name. It's somehow too cliché and Western (I feel uncomfortable having that name while having this Indonesian-oriental face). Beside, the name means "lame". Sorry, mom and dad.
If I ever could change my name, I want it to be more Indonesian. Haha. So CN.
I always wanted to change my name into something like 'Sasmita' (means isyarat. DKV banget yah HAHA) or 'Amba' (means to write. It was the word that makes the word Batik, taken from Amba and Titik= Menulis titik). 😁
Poke @fvalencian who doesn't really like her first name too. Try to answer this question! 😂
Liked by: Anaheim Guggenheim

kak rekomen lagu buat nugas dong thank you!

Thanks to indielokal, a Youtube channel that provides me a playlist of relaxing song to play while I'm kicking those assignments out of the to-do-list! Ini playlist yang aku suka dengerin akhir2 ini buat nugas. Kebanyakan lagu indie Indonesia, tapi it's so relaxing I can't stop listening to them. :')
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m8TtDmQCnl4novreica’s Video 131817128660 m8TtDmQCnl4novreica’s Video 131817128660 m8TtDmQCnl4
Here are the songs list:
1. Danilla - Ada Di Sana
2. Hollywood Nobody - Kiss The Pain Away
3. MarcoMarche - Senja Dan Mentari
4. Payung Teduh - Berdua Saja
5. Banda Neira - Kau Keluhkan (Esok Pasti Jumpa)
6. Sevenchords - Lagu Tidur
7. Tulus - Diorama (Live Studio Version)
8. Aimee Saras - It Was June
9. Nostress feat. Sandrayati Fay - Kita
10. Dialog Dini Hari - Pelangi
11. Grace Sahertian - Honestunes
12. Mr. Sonjaya - Jantung Hati

ci pasti sukany dengerin lagu hey jude kan? ha ha ha

Surprisingly, no. Suka The Beatles gak melulu dikait2kan ama Hey Jude juga kan, hahaha. Ini beberapa lagu-lagu The Beatles yang aku suka, secara musikalitas, konten, dan konteksnya.
1. Here, There, and Everywhere - Revolver, 1966
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6yoREagWoKYnovreica’s Video 118174432212 6yoREagWoKYnovreica’s Video 118174432212 6yoREagWoKY
2. Norwegian Wood (This Bird Has Flown) - Rubber Soul, 1965
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lY5i4-rWh44novreica’s Video 118174432212 lY5i4-rWh44novreica’s Video 118174432212 lY5i4-rWh44
3. Something - Abbey Road, 1969
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xrYb4HQY5rQnovreica’s Video 118174432212 xrYb4HQY5rQnovreica’s Video 118174432212 xrYb4HQY5rQ
4. I Need You - Help!, 1965
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I7nIWKApT30novreica’s Video 118174432212 I7nIWKApT30novreica’s Video 118174432212 I7nIWKApT30
5. I Will - The White Album, 1968
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rx_APcTyIUgnovreica’s Video 118174432212 Rx_APcTyIUgnovreica’s Video 118174432212 Rx_APcTyIUg
6. In My Life - Rubber Soul, 1965
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UKQpRgxyyqonovreica’s Video 118174432212 UKQpRgxyyqonovreica’s Video 118174432212 UKQpRgxyyqo
7. Lovely Rita - Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Se5JLYKQfDUnovreica’s Video 118174432212 Se5JLYKQfDUnovreica’s Video 118174432212 Se5JLYKQfDU
8. Across the Universe - Let It Be, 1970
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PN9n1bAahg4novreica’s Video 118174432212 PN9n1bAahg4novreica’s Video 118174432212 PN9n1bAahg4
9. Please Please Me - Please Please Me, 1963
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h43nuGSd1m4novreica’s Video 118174432212 h43nuGSd1m4novreica’s Video 118174432212 h43nuGSd1m4
10. If I Fell - A Hard Day's Night, 1964
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4yjUuX-I0QEnovreica’s Video 118174432212 4yjUuX-I0QEnovreica’s Video 118174432212 4yjUuX-I0QE

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novreica’s Video 118174432212 6yoREagWoKYnovreica’s Video 118174432212 6yoREagWoKY

Apa yg seharusnya tidak dilakukan di sosial media contohnya ask.fm, facebook, twitter, instagram, dan lain-lain?

Di samping semua general things not to do in social media such as isu SARA dan pornografi dan cyberbullying, mungkin ini:
Public display affection yang terlalu berlebihan. You may be the cutest couple in the planet, but don't put too much sugar in your cup of tea. Putting your romantic relationship in social media may be cool, but don't do it too much.
Kalo ntar putus gak kebayang harus ngapusin satu2 foto kalian, quotes cinta2an kalian, and your sweet nothings that became nothing. :))))

3. What will your boggart looks like?

That would be myself, doing nothing. I don't know what else will represent my worst fear for being redundant/ being useless/ being a basket case. Sigh.
Alternatively, my other boggarts will be everybody's having fun without me (that represents my fear being left alone), and seeing people I loved leaving me.
Liked by: Anaheim Guggenheim


fvalencian’s Profile PhotoValencia Ng
• "Ce, kamu musti tau..." --> Kata kunci sebelum cerita sesuatu.
• "Ceen, balen temen yg baik gak?"
• "UHUHUHUHUHUHU" --> Biasanya kalo abis sesi curhat, trus balen menyesali sesuatu yg telah ia perbuat.
• "Ceen, aku makan apa hari ini?" --> Kalo balen abis cerita duitnya abis terus blom ditransfer.
• "Ce, hari ini udah setaun/ 2 tahun/ dst..." --> Saking banyaknya hari2 peringatan kaya gini ampe lupa balen ngomongin yg mana.
• "CE 11.11!"
• "Ce, balen sama siapa yah?"
• *Senyum2 sambil ngeliatin pas masuk kelas*
• *Lagi jalan, diem aja. Pas diliat trnyata lg nulis caption instagram 4 paragraf*
Sebenarnya bisa lebih banyak dari ini. Tapi karena udah terlalu banyak ampe lupa mau nulis apa aja wkwkwk.

Halo CN! Gimana kabar Diskomfest nya?

Halo! Menurut aku acaranya menarik banget. Karena temanya tentang makanan, acara mereka full di pasar, tepatnya di Pasar Ngasem, Yogyakarta. Banyak banget stand-stand makanan, bikin makin gendut, hore! Waktu itu salah jam datangnya, harusnya sorean dikit soalnya acaranya baru mulai jam 3-an. But anyway, this is such a good experience and I got one of my bucket list to be checked, which is having my artwork displayed in an exhibition beside my own campus exhibition! 🙌🏼
Halo CN Gimana kabar Diskomfest nya

2. What will your patronus looks like?

Mine would be cat. And... I always imagine myself practicing animagus while studying in Hogwarts just like McGonagall. So, being able to transform into a cat while I myself can summon a cat patronus will be pretty nice, hehehe.
2 What will your patronus looks like
Liked by: Anaheim Guggenheim

1. If you stand in front of Mirror of Erised, what will reflect in it?

Hmm. What will reflect in it will be a more cheerful, bubbly CN. Cheerful, bubbly CN will be doing her job gracefully and still have a social life and enough sleep. Cheerful, bubbly CN will also living her life to the fullest. Cheerful, bubbly CN is #livingauthentic and of course, #blessed.
Liked by: Anaheim Guggenheim

you seem to be so unapproachable ci cn. what kind of people that will interest you?

To be reallly honest, I am. But of course, there are some people that will interest me.
• People who initiate the conversation first. With the right topic. Yes, my face might be the scariest resting-bitch-face you ever seen, but I appreciate people who start first. Some of my best friends are my best friends because of this.
• People who share their experiences and something they like. I love on how their eyes shine while talking about their most memorable vacation ever, or their favorite things to do in their spare times.
• People who can shut up when I don't feel like listening to anyone. There will be times I'll be just difficult and paradoxial like, I need someone to acompany me but I need silence. You got the point?
• People who understand introversion is not something to be ashamed of.
• People who don't ask: "Why are you so quite"-esque questions. Just. Don't. Ask.
Did you qualify those criterias? Haha. 😄

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CN rekomen film/buku/lagu coming of age yg bagus dong makasih yah

This is getting mainstream but try Wes Anderson movies. All of them are coming-of-age, including the soundtracks.
CN rekomen filmbukulagu coming of age yg bagus dong makasih yah
Liked by: Anaheim Guggenheim

What are the perks of dating you ci cn?

• I will lend you my books. I don't usually do this to everyone.
• Fantasy movies marathon every Christmas, especially Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings.
• Bedah buku dan film, ftw!
• We will have scheduled visits to bookstores, art galleries, and museums.
• Our vacations will be "bolang"-styled. Prepare to walk for miles and have convenient store's snacks for dinner.
• We will have some me-times. I will be in my room, reading or drawing, while sipping a cup of tea, and I'm okay with that.
• My mom will really care about you. Yes. It's because I always tell her how much you really mean to me.
• It will be awkward when I say "I love you". I don't usually talk sweet nothings.

Hello! I heard you love Harry Potter, so I would like to ask you some questions that are Harry Potter-ish. Are you ready?

Whoever asked these questions, you must really know I'm a super fan. 😂😂😂😂😂
Thank you.
Hello I heard you love Harry Potter so I would like to ask you some questions
Liked by: Anaheim Guggenheim

It's World Gratitude Day! What's something you're grateful for?

I am thankful.
For nights that turned into mornings.
For friends that turned into family.
And dreams that turned into reality.
Liked by: Anaheim Guggenheim


Halo! 😊
Buat teman2 yang di Yogya dan sekitarnya dateng yah ke pameran Diskomfest 6 nya DKV ISI Yogyakarta weekend ini, dari 18 sampe 20 September di Plaza Pasar Ngasem. 😁😁😁
Ada kontribusi karya aku yang dipamerin di sana bareng sama karya2 mahasiswa lainnya dari seluruh Indonesia.
Sampai jumpa di Pasar Ngasem! 😄
Liked by: Anaheim Guggenheim

cici biasanya dapet inspirasi buat ngegambar (yang bukan tugas loh ya, hehe) darimana?

Biasanya dari buku bacaan, tontonan, sama obrolan teman2 sih, hahaha.
Misalnya pernah tuh, habis baca The Little Prince nya Antoine de Saint-Exupéry langsung pengen bikin visualisasi quote dari bukunya. Kalo tontonan paling habis nonton satu film terinspirasi bkin ilustrasi tokoh filmnya.
Yang paling seru sih kalo udah ngobrol sama temen. Pernah ngobrol ama temen saking serunya sampe ngobrolin bikin pameran instalasi paling gila2an, ato pameran feminisme gitu hahaha.

Lupa sih berapa lama. Tp kayaknya cuma 1 minggu or 1 mingguan lebih max. Aku ampe bawa ke bangka lho pas omaku meninggal wkwkwk. Tapi ya itu bacanya pas masih kelas 2 smp which is lebih gabut drpd sekaraaaang

Wkwkwk okay brarti klo skrg bsa lebih dr 3 mnggu bacanya. 😂 Kayanya aku bakal beli bukunya tapi abis beli Memories nya Lang Leav dlu hahahaha. 😂

kak critain ttg ilustrator kesukaan kakak dong! :)

Banyak ilustrator yang kece, tapi paling favorit stylenya ilustrasinya Benjamin Lacombe.
He illustrate several books that are too awesome they sell it far away in France hahaha! 😂
This is the trailer for his "autobiographic" illustration book. Can someone get me his book? 😢
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=aDrbB_xhA0Anovreica’s Video 131010101716 aDrbB_xhA0Anovreica’s Video 131010101716 aDrbB_xhA0A
Another trailer for his another book:
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=o5vxop9P_nknovreica’s Video 131010101716 o5vxop9P_nknovreica’s Video 131010101716 o5vxop9P_nk
Many other reason why he's my favorite is... Dia ilustrator ganteng. HAHA. 😂😂😂
kak critain ttg ilustrator kesukaan kakak dong

Akademis/organisasi? Alasannya?

Dua-duanya penting menurut aku, tergantung prioritas masing2 jg hehehe.
Kalo buat aku sekarang, akademis udah jadi prioritas yang lebih utama dibandingkan organisasi. I'm not an organization type, jadi emang gak bisa spend terlalu banyak waktu buat kegiatan panitia sama himpunan. Tapi mau gimana pun, harus ttp punya pengalaman organisasi juga.
So, I spent my university life into 3 section. First, pas tahun pertama aku fokus buat kegiatan panitia lepas misalnya panitia acara BEM gtu2. Tahun kedua aku ikut organisasi dan aku pilih buat masuk HMJ. Selesai lengser HMJ aku langsung fokus ke akademis sekaligus mulai masuk ke dunia freelance. 😊😊😊


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