

Ask @refydwip

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Sebel banget, usia udah bertambah. Malah mental aku yg kena jadi takut buat nikah apalagi denger2 orang yang nikah banyak yg cerai tapi disisi lain ortu ngedesek mulu biar cepet2 nikah :(( tapi Allah maha baik, Allah belum ngasih jodoh buat aku, mungkin karena aku belum siap ya atau gimana ini th?

umm.. everyone has their own time and destiny, we just have to keep praying and leave everything to Allah

Do you think you eat healthily?

It used to be not at all, like eating anything. Then lately I often migraine after checked by doctor, my blood sugar, uric acid, cholesterol and triglycerideswas is above normal. And now i eat healthily, like very healthily. Oatmeal for breakfast, vegetable and brown rice for lunch, boiled food and fruit for dinner. Sounds like diet, but it's not.

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book recommendation please

ini buku yang sedang ku baca. seru tapi belum beres karena ga terlalu suka baca tapi suka jadi bacanya lama gitu hee. yaudah.
book recommendation please

hi everyone! i certainly doing nothing today and it just sucks. so how was your day? a bit of story will be fun maybe^^

hi! i also gabut kok. tapi temanqu pada ke rmh jd sedikit meringankan kegabutan w hee

mb/mz, ada ga sih kalimat dari sebuah buku, film, lagu, atau perkataan seseorang yang kalian inget banget dan akhirnya menjadi pengaruh saat kalian ingin mengambil suatu keputusan? kalau ada, apa tuh? sabi lah dishare agar bisa berguna tuk yang laen. trims.

fzift’s Profile PhotoFeza Iftitah
dari lagu.
Vega 4 - Life Is Beautiful
"life is beautiful but it's complicated. we barely make it. we don't need to understand, there are miracles."

gue punya sahabat cowo dan udah deket banget melebihi seorang sahabat menurut lo wajar gasih gue baper?

lo cewe apa cowo?
kalo cowo, serem juga ye baper sama cowo
kalo cewe, yaelah sob 7/10 temen gue cowo, sans ae makanya!
saking sansnya.. jomblo:(


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