

Ask @sigsigsig

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On a scale of 1 to 10, how well do you sing?

I would say like a 7-8.... I can sing but I'm not omg amazing

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you should blog about your favorite tumblr sites:)

haha ok I mean I don't really use tumblr for fashion it's just kinda personal stuff sooo idk what I would say... who is this?? is this a blog person or a school person?

I know you are into body image and health stuff so i thought you would be a reliable source to ask. I am uncomfortable with my body and want to lose weight..i dont know how besides starving myself and although its working i know its not healthy..

Coming to me with this question is a huge compliment- I'm glad you see me as this kind of a resource for you!
First of all, check on the healthy weight range for your age and height. If you fit into the overweight range, then you'll benefit from losing some for better health. If you actually are in the healthy range but towards the top, then you'll mainly want to focus on just getting toned up.
The truth about starving yourself is this: yes, it DOES work, it works quickly, and it's even possible to keep off the weight. But it is NOT healthy or beneficial at all to your physical, mental, and emotional well-being. I'm not even sure if the "starvation mode" theory is true, but what I do know is that starving yourself will make you tired, crabby, depressed, lightheaded, and not able to think clearly. You have to eat. The human body fuels off of food and you're going against that natural instinct by starving yourself. It's not acceptable not to eat.
But good for you for wanting to lose weight- that is, if you want to be healthy and fit! My main advice is to drink lots of water, eat fruits and vegetables before other food, and stop just when you're feeling full. Don't keep eating "just to finish" or "because it's good." I would eat somewhere between 1400 and 1800 calories a day, fluctuating the amount in that range. In addition, do some cardio like biking/walking/running 2 miles 5-6 days a week and some exercises to tone your muscles.
If you do this, you WILL lose weight. Starving yourself will make you lose weight too, but option B is healthier and you'll feel physically and emotionally better. :)
Good luck! If you have any further questions or would like something more specific answered, don't hesitate to fb chat me- I'll be completely non-judgmental.

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Shall we look for love, wait for love or forget totally about it?

forget about it. Enjoy what you have in life and then you'll be surprised and get more than you ever expected when it shows up.

Are there any places you are afraid to visit?

definitely anywhere in the middle east, I'd love to go there someday but not right now


Language: English