
Skyler Shalom

Ask @skylershalom

If you had to live the rest of your life in a movie which one would you pick?

I don't know... maybe something like Pride and Prejudice.

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What kind of thing would you never never never do?

Um.... that's a hard one. I'd never... sign something without reading it. Does that count?

Who do you respect the most?

You're really asking me this? My Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, is who I respect above everyone else.

is skyler shalom ur penname or is it real its really cool either way

Yes, it's my real name. But "Shalom" is my middle name, not my last name. I'd rather not disclose my full name, so I just use my first and middle. Thanks for the compliment :)

If you were to write a book what would it be about?

I'm not sure... I really don't plan on writing a book..... but I love reading.

My question might seem odd and/or unnecessary, but I know that "Skyler" can go both ways, so are you a man or woman?

Well, I'm female, but not quite a "woman." Just a couple more years.

Why don't you have your own blog? You'd have so many cool things to say!

Aw, thanks :) I don't have a blog because I don't want to keep up with it.

What is something you do every single day?

Pray, worship God, look at blogs I follow and comment when necessary, to name a few.

Language: English