
Ashley Nichole

Ask @taysha1289

What part of your body do you think attracts the most attention from the opposite sex? and do you like the attention it/they get?

My butt and lips probably get the most attention. And I can't stop anyone from looking there's nothing I can do about it I don't mind. But dont be disrespectful and dont touch and we'll all live in peace.

What is your idea of the perfect Valentine's Day?

Flowers, candy, dinner & a movie in...cuddling on the couch...low key

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When was the last time you saw an animal in the wild?

I live in Wisconsin. Deer run free and wild all the damn time....

is there a specific type of guy that you find yourself attracted to?

Smart, funny, nicely dressed kind of guys....I don't like thugs....

have you ever lied to a guy about your age?

Once...then i just didn't tell them. so i guess that lying by omission....

have you ever considered having sex with another woman?

Nope. I have my own equipment I dont need another set to play with.

whats more important to you right now, having a guy with a personality or a big dick?

Having a guy with a personality and a good heart.

Do you think you could ever be in a "friend with benefits" situation? If so do you have anyone in mind?

Been there done that....dont want to go there again....

if you could change anything about your body would you? if so what would it be?

My belly. But I guess I should just go to the gym more often


Language: English