
Wallace Yolicia

Ask @WallaceYolicia

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Who has been the most important person in your life?

My mum. She's pushing me everyday into the right way and support me a lot on all my blogging project!

I love you Yolicia! you're so talented, I hope you'll become a fashion icon one day!

THANK YOU so much!! I have the time to become an ''fashion'' icon, now my purpose is just to inspire you by my looks :) thanks again <3

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What are your plans for the summer?

I'm planning to go to Spain & Paris this summer with some friends! I'm so excited and can't wait about it! I just need to relax and go a little bit abroad, visiting some monuments and do the tourist at 100% :)
Liked by: adiaryofheaven

Which gossip is there about you?

hahaha who the hell asked me this question? Well I'm said to looking down people like I really can't stand them. It's absolutely not the truth! when I met someone, the first thing I do is to looking at his style and of course(I think women do that) my eyes go from top to bottom. Next time I'll smile all the time, in the street to everybody, and will be blindfolded , I promise ^^.

how did you loose the weight? and how long did it take to make your body look so toned, i mean you weren't like this some times ago!

Many of you seem to be interested in how I lost so much weights so lets talk about it!
In fact while I was loosing weight I went e-v-e-r-y-d-a-y to the gym and burned a lots of calories by bump,squat,running so I did lots of cardio exercices. There wasn't a ''chill day'' expected on sunday(the gym center was closed haha)! At the same time I tried so hard to have an healthy life but believe me it wasn't easy at all!
Time to time I got used to live a healthy lifestyle by searching on internet what could I eat or not and when I saw my repair on food, I started see the changes on my body and it was the result of this long fight ! Without sport and put asides your bad habits you can't reach the goal you have fixed(I'm just talking about loosing weight).
Anyway, I hope I answered the best I could to this question! :)

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What’s your favorite method of shopping?

I will look online for the clothes i Like & I will personally go to the stores at the mall and get the clothes i saw online hehe
Liked by: adiaryofheaven

How many times a day do you look at yourself in the mirror?

hahahaha are you serious? Sincerely I don't know but I don't think looking myself in the mirror more than 3 or 4 time a day. Once in the morning, then after lunch, in the afternoon and in the evening when I remove my makeup

What do you like to do on the weekends?

Well, on weekends I really would looove to just chilling on my bed and watching TV all day ^^, but life is more cool when you meet friends, going to the gym, shopping,eating a lot ice cream and being crazy on street and on place people don't know you, making fun about everything ...in one word: enjoying life! that's what I like the most on my weekends

Have you a boyfriend? :)

No I don't, I think I'm quite busy at the moment to be honest, it's the wrong time for having a serious relationship. School,blogging and dance takes me so much time BUT, I'm ready to open my heart if someone wants it haha :)

Why are you so perfect? I mean you're so beautiful, a nice blogger and dancer who always replys to your readers by giving them the best advice. That's currently unusual on the other fashion blogs

Thank you much for this message! First of All I think it depends on each fashion blogger goal! I'm not only focused on what I can bring with my daily outfits(inspiration), but I want to invest myself by giving to my readers a lot of advice in order they build their own style and become a fashionista icon !
PS: sincerely, I'm not perfect at all(I have a little bad temper!) but thank you for this compliment ;)

What motivates you?

success motivates me a lot! When you work hard, you can't fail but you just keep on going and learn from your mistakes because you know what is at the end of what you have been working for.

tu pèses combien de kilos maintenant? tell the truth you look good anyway :)

hahahaha bonne question! je pèse actuellement entre 63.5 et 64,5 kilos et pour te dire la vérité mon objectif n'est pas encore atteint mais ça viendra !

How much do you love Couturesque magazine? ;) We love you!

Aww thank you! I love Couturesque Magazine more than the stars at night and stronger than a hurricane ^^. haha well, in Fact, this magazine has a huge potential for success and that's the reason I love it like I have respect for someone who is charismatic.

Quel est ton artiste préféré ?

À vrai dire je n'ai pas vraiment d'artistes préférés! j'ai l'impression que dire d'un artiste qu'il est celui que l'on préfère ou lui attribuer une certaine préférence,lui enlève ce qui fait de lui un artiste désirable et sensationnel ! (je philosophe un peu)

À quelle heure te réveilles-tu généralement le matin ?

Je me réveille tous les jours à 7h30 du matin ... entre nous c'est trop dure(rire) mais je me rassure en me disant que d'autres se lèvent beaucoup plus tôt que ça.

Quel genre de fleur doit-on offrir à une fille ?

Les meilleures fleurs à offrir à une fille sont les roses blanches et les Lys Blanc ;)

Language: English