

Ask @zwagi

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hmm, i think i kind of been introduced to you before, but idk, its all in the past :D haha

It's ok tho.. We could be friends 😊 or 'we could be hero' just like what alesso said 😂

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haven't seen you around since i last saw you with your BM friends :) it's awkward to be saying this tho since we are not close hahaha

BM friends? Btw, do we know each others ? :)

Tinggal nya di Kalimantan Barat ya?! berarti bisa donk bahasa 3 etnis asli di sana? (Tionghoa, Dayak, Melayu)

Iya kali bisa semua bahasa, 😜

Kamu kuliah, kerja, ato two of both? eh 1 lagi deh, single? 😅

Baru saja selesai sidang hari ini, alhamdulilah! 😛Masih ada revisi 💪🏻💪🏻
Kuliah kerja kursus, i do all of them.
Single, bentar lagi jadi album!
Kamu kuliah kerja ato two of both eh 1 lagi deh single

kok creepy kan aku nanya ci aku suka liat cici pakai kalung soalnya

Oo 😛semua yg pake kalung km suka ya. Okeii 😂👌🏻

cacar apa ci?? oh kalau cacar mesti di lepas ya?

Cacar water 😂
Ngak, berasa ribet aja, jdi dilepas, 🙊 btw u are kinda creepy

kok gak pkai kalung lgi ci??

Siapa ini? 🙊 vivi ?
Iyaa abis cacar kemarin dilepas 😂 males pake lagi.


Language: English