Does forgiveness include a second chance? Thinker November 06, 2023 Not always. I always live by you can forgive but never forget.
Why do people try to destroy what makes you happy? zachary griffin October 20, 2023 Because they are broken people.
If you could change one thing about your family, what would it be? January 17, 2021 I would change them so that they would understand me. Liked by: Aaron Gubernick
What would you be doing if u werent be on quarantine? April 01, 2020 I’d be going out with my boyfriend driving around looking at houses.
What's the best way to apologize? October 17, 2019 Write a note, but a gift, or talk to them in person and be sincere and give them a hug afterwards.
Thoughts on people who constantly post about how they are single on Instagram October 10, 2019 They are just lonely.
I need friends. I literally have none and I'm depressed and really lonely Brandon September 19, 2019 I can be your friend.